Ice Cream Parlour Challenges Community To Fill Their Truck For Local Food Bank
/One of Central Smith Creamery’s trucks will be filled with non-perishable food instead of ice cream for three weeks as they and over 20 other businesses, schools and organizations are gathering items for Kawartha Food Share beginning Friday.
Steve Paul, logistics manager (pictured) has been working for Central Smith Creamery for the past seven years. Photo by David Tuan Bui.
The local creamery is challenging the community to drop off any non-perishable goods to any participating location in the Peterborough and surrounding area from Nov. 26 to Dec. 17. Residents can also drop their items at Central Smith.
On the final day, the Selwyn-based business will collect the goods from each drop-off spot and deliver them to Kawartha Food Share.
The following is a list of participating businesses:
Modern Makers Market
Hanoi House
SOS Save Our Soles
Apollo Grill
The Pizza Factory
Two Dishes Cookshop
Jesse’s Tap & Grill
Kawartha Buttertart Factory
Great Canadian RV
Ennismore Eagles
Applewood Retirement Residence
Nateure’s Plate
Chemong Public School
Women’s Business Network of Peterborough
McWilliams Moving & Storage Ltd.
Hi Ho Silver
Kia Peterborough
Full Tilt Cycle
Dan Joyce Clothing
Sullivan Law
Publican House Brewery
Style Boutique
Holiday Inn
Lakefield Herald
Greater Peterborough Chamber of Commerce
Some businesses may not be able to hold and store the donated items and can ask for monetary donations instead.
Peppermint Bark is one of the featured ice cream flavours for Central Smith during the holiday season. Photo by David Tuan Bui.
The food drive is a part of an annual community event the creamery runs during the holiday season.
“We always do something every year for Christmas time,” said Jillian Scates, Central Smith project manager. “We did a toy drive the year before. We thought this year we would do something for the community, challenge other businesses to get involved and donate during the holiday season.”
The following are the non-perishable food items that are being requested:
Beans and Legumes
Peanut Butter
Rice Pasta Granola Bars
Canned Vegetables
Canned Fruit
Pasta Sauce
Children's Snacks
Stews Oats
Canned Meats
Broth / Stock
Cooking Oil