Career Fair at Peterborough Square Hosted By AON

AON is hosting a Career Fair at Peterborough Square on Nov. 30 and Dec 2.

From 10 a.m. - 3 p.m. both days AON will be hiring positions at five senior residences across Peterborough.

Positions include housekeeping, dining services, cooks, and nurses.

Hiring managers will be present and can interview on site.

“CERB just recently ended, we thought this might be a good time to hold one of these events, especially prior to the holidays. This is a good chance for us to put ourselves in front of candidates and allow them to meet with hiring managers and potentially be offered employment,” said Cheryl Filiatrault, AON.

AON is offering signing bonuses, competitive wages and flexible hours.

Currently all available positions require proof of vaccination.

The career fair is open to everyone. High school students planning on working in the industry in the future are encouraged to attend to ask questions.