City Returns To Regular Operations After Storm And Offers Residents Options For Green Waste Disposal

With power restored throughout the City of Peterborough following the severe storm on May 21, City facilities have returned to regular operations, with the exception of parks and trails where recovery efforts continue.

Due to the return to regular operations and the broad restoration of power in the community, City facilities are no longer offering general public access to showers that was provided to assist residents without power following the storm.

City parks and trails were closed due to safety concerns with trees and tree limbs continuing to fall following the storm. Crews are assessing damage and taking action to restore parks for public use. As parks and trails are re-opened, the list at is updated and “closed” signs are removed from the properties.

The City urges residents to be cautious around trees that may still pose a danger from damaged limbs that could fall.

To assist with the ongoing storm recovery efforts, the City is offering several options for green waste drop-off locations at no charge and green waste curbside collection services.

Green waste drop-off locations

Peterborough Waste Management Facility/landfill, 1260 Bensfort Rd.

Effective, May 31, until June 30,, the City is temporarily waiving disposal fees for green waste from the storm on May 21, 2022 that is dropped off at the landfill at 1260 Bensfort Rd. 

The regular fee for green waste disposal at the landfill is $7 for 100 kilograms or less of material or for $95 per tonne.

Temporary green waste drop-off site on Kennedy Road

A temporary green waste drop-off location for trees and brush resulting from the storm is open from 7:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. daily at 425 Kennedy Rd. until further notice with no disposal fees for residents as part of the storm recovery efforts.

Residents can bring any trees, brush, leaves and sticks that were generated by the storm to the temporary drop-off area. Other green waste, such as grass clippings and garden waste, will not be accepted at the temporary drop-off site but can be put out through the regular curbside green waste collection program or taken to the landfill. 

Any other type of waste generated by the storm, including construction materials and food waste, are not accepted at the temporary drop-off site for green waste.

To access the temporary green waste drop-off site, residents are asked to enter from River Road South as Highway 115 is reduced to one lane in the area next to the location. 

Green waste curbside collection

Regular green waste curbside collection

The City’s regular curbside waste collection services includes green waste collection from April to November each year.

There is no limit on the quantity of green waste that can be placed at the curb through the City's regular green waste collection service; however, it must be put out within guidelines on sizes and weights to allow crews to handle the material. Due to the high amount of material, collection may be delayed.

Green Waste includes brush, branches, hedge and tree trimmings, grass clippings, leaves, house and garden plants, trimmings, and small quantities of sod (within weight limits).

All brush and branches must be tied in bundles up to one metre (three feet) in length and 30 centimetres (12 inches) in diameter, weighing no more than 23 kilograms (50 pounds). Larger size items cannot be loaded into the collection vehicle.

Stumps, soil and stones are not accepted through the green waste collection.

Residents who are able to cut down and bundle/bag their green waste are encouraged to use the regular green waste curbside collection service as an efficient way to get rid of debris from the storm.

The City will also be providing special green waste curbside collection that will collect storm-related green waste debris (e.g., tree limbs) from private property that has been put out to the City boulevard, beyond the sizes and weights accepted through the regular curbside collection program. Please note this is for storm-related green waste debris only, and piles of mixed debris (i.e., containing other storm-damage such as broken patio furniture, lost shingles) cannot be collected.

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