Blue-Green Algae Blooms Expected This Summer Says Peterborough Public Health

Peterborough Public Health (PPH) advises residents to protect themselves and their pets from blue-green algae (BGA), which may bloom in local lakes.

FIle photo.

Blue-green algae are a type of bacteria known to create ‘blooms’ of algae. These blooms are unsightly and smelly and can be toxic to humans and animals when touched or consumed. Possible effects for humans and animals include skin rash and eye irritation. If consumed in large quantities, the toxin associated with BGA can lead to illness and death. 

BGA occur naturally in waterways, particularly where water is shallow, slow-moving and warm. However, with rising temperatures and extreme weather due to climate change, BGA blooms are increasing according to PPH.

BGA presents in various forms, blooming and then dying off. As it is difficult to identify a toxic bloom, residents are advised to avoid all algae blooms. Residents relying on private water supplies, especially surface water supplies, should not use the water if a blue-green algae bloom is suspected. 

Peterborough Public Health inspects public beach water regularly and will close local beaches if BGA is identified. Water testing results can be found online.

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