The Verandah Cafe With Megan Murphy And Kate Suhr Is What Peterborough Needs Right Now

As we eagerly await the reopening of performance venues, local entertainers Megan Murphy and Kate Suhr are coming together to bring art and music to our audiences at home through The Verandah Cafe.

In keeping with the tradition of Irish storytellers, Kate and Megan will come to your verandah, (or yard), and share tales, music and comradery with friends in our community.

Megan and Kate

Megan and Kate

Their performance is about a half hour in length and will be performed from a safe distance. Call your friends, family and neighbours, and share some quality time on the verandah! Each performance is open to a maximum of 15 people.

here to book Megan and Kate for day or evening performances. Just remember to BYOB, er, BVOV—Bring Your Own Verandah

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