8 Great Things You Should Know About The Silver Bean Café This Season

The locally owned and operated Silver Bean Café, your waterfront cottage in the city, is opening soon for the season. Below are 8 exciting things you should know about the Bean this season...

Photo via Silver Bean Café Facebook page

1. Opening Day is Sunday, April 30th this year at 8 am! 

2. They have 10 more tables and 40 more chairs this season, bringing their patio seat total to about 125 to 130.

3. They have added a milkshake machine—yummy!—because people have often asked for them.

Photo via Silver Bean Café Facebook page

4. They have added a second cash register on the inside to have a lunch line and an express line, allowing people to make quicker purchases even during the peak lunch times.

5. They have expanded their ice cream section and bought a third freezer, bringing their flavour total to more than 30 ice cream flavours.

6. They also installed a second walk-up window so you're not all hanging out the same window.

7. They have changed the layout inside to make the flow work a bit better.

8. 90% of their awesome, friendly staff is returning.


OK, then, we're ready for the PTBO by the river, eh...

"Like" the Bean on their Facebook page for more info.

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