Bring Your Mystery Photos To Special Event At Trent Valley Archives
/Ever found a mystery photo(s) in your basement or attic and were super curious about its origins? Well Trent Valley Archives wants to help you find out, and are hosting a special event called "Photos in Your Attic" on April 9th.
Photo via Trent Valley Archives Facebook page
The event is being held as part of Archives Week, and takes place from 1 p.m. to 4 p.m. Saturday, April 9th at Trent Valley Archives (directions here). This will be your rare opportunity to have your long lost photos or postcards viewed by experts who can help you identify the era, location and find ways to preserve these valuable artifacts.
No reservation is necessary, and it's first come, first serve. The cost of this event is by donation.
You can also follow Trent Valley Archives on Facebook.