PTBO Random Acts Of Green Social Platforms Are Awesome
/Jessica Correa, a Masters of Sustainability Studies student at Trent University, equates her PTBO Random Acts of Green social platforms to a "green version of Humans of New York".
Her social enterprise—incubated by the Innovation Cluster's inspiring Fast Start program for youth entrepeneurs—is using sustainable marketing strategies to educate Peterborough (and beyond) about the benefits of participating in climate change action.
Jessica Correa
By harnessing the power of online social media on her platforms—website, Twitter, Facebook and Instagram—Correa tells PTBOCanada they are attracting an engaged and energized audience in Peterborough and beyond.
This excellent initiative is capturing ordinary people committing acts of green-ness and living sustainable lifestyles, and telling their stories.
Climate change action is not just for tree huggers and hippies anymore—ordinary people are acting, right here, right now, all throughout our Peterborough community and around the planet. And Correa is trying to capture that via her social media channels as people send her their random acts of green to inspire others.
Part of "Green Team" at Trent University
Correa believes sustainable action needs to be captured, documented and shared in order to encourage everyone to commit “acts of green”—and build critical mass and engagement.
Her mission is to spread "green" stories throughout our local community and beyond by providing praise and recognition to ordinary people, community groups, businesses and workplaces participating in climate change action. "Climate change action is a requirement and social obligation now," she says.
A rower using his sustainable mug. (Great plaid shirt.)
If you have a "green" story you would like to share with her or have a business that wants to connect with her for synergies, email her here or contact her via her social platforms on Twitter, Facebook and Instagram.
Litter & Poop and Scoop: A personal support worker in town that walks her dog and picks up litter at the same time