Help A Peterborough Boy Get His Stolen Bike Back
/UPDATE: So how caring is Peterborough? Well Melanie tells us since our story ran, Odin—yes, the amazing Odin Camus—asked his mom Melissa to reach out to Melanie and Danny with the message "We have an awesome bike he can have! the hell do people steal kids stuff for!?!"
I wanted to share this update to you," Melanie tells PTBOCanada. "Odin Camus. ... kind hearted ....amazing young man.... He had his mother fb and offer his bike to my son.... I thought this was truly kind and sweet of him."
Melanie says she isn't taking the bike—she'd rather Melissa give it to someone more in need—and that if she can't find her son's stolen bike, she will buy him the same bike because she's proud of him and the fact he himself earned it.
"I told Melissa she was a very kind hearted person ....and I myself am proud of Odin for offering his bike."
Melanie Rivet reached out to us after her son's bike was stolen from their Crawford Dr. residence.
The stolen bike
The bike was stolen from inside her house porch. "This bike cost Danny about $600," she tells PTBOCanada. "He worked his summer to earn the money to buy himself this bike."
Danny, 14, really wants his hard-earned bike back. The bike brand name is United KL40 Complete Bike. It has under the pedals the Fontaine name store stamp—and this is the only colour of orange for this bike, Melanie tells us.
***Contact Melanie here if you have seen it or know where this bike is. She really wants to get it back for her son.
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