You Will Soon Be Able To Buy A Six-Pack Of Beer At Sobeys Locations In Peterborough

Soon, you will be able to buy six-packs of beer with your groceries at the two Sobeys locations in Peterborough—at 1200 Lansdowne St. W. and 501 Towerhill Road.

Premier Kathleen Wynne made it official on Tuesday morning (December 15th) that beer will be sold at some grocery stores across the province (including Peterborough), when she visited a Loblaws in Toronto to buy a six-pack.

“By making the beer market fair for brewers and more convenient for customers, we’re supporting the growth of craft breweries [and] giving customers the choices that they deserve,” Wynne told reporters.

You can view a map of all the grocery locations across Ontario that will sell beer, including Peterborough, here.

It is expected the Sobeys locations in Peterborough will start selling beer early in 2016.

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