Peterborough Police Remind You To Not Shake Your Neighbours All Night Long

Since May 1 and the warmer weather, Peterborough Lakefield Community Police have answered more than 25 calls for service related to loud noise. These calls are handled by officers attending and informing residents of Peterborough’s 24 hour noise by-law, and/or laying charges for excessive or ongoing problems. One charge under the noise by-law was laid during this period. Residents are reminded of the Peterborough 24 hour Noise By-Law.  The following is information about the by-law:
·         Noise is described as “noise likely to disturb the inhabitants thereof”.
·         Construction noise within 500 feet of an occupied dwelling is limited to between the hours of 7 am to 9 pm daily, or noon to 9pm Sundays.
·         Lawn mowers within 100 feet of an occupied dwelling is limited to between the hours of 7am to 9pm during the week, 9am to 9pm on Saturday, and noon to 9pm on Sunday.
·         Music, voices, animal noise is not permitted 24 hours a day if it is “noise likely to disturb the inhabitants thereof”.
·         The penalty for a first offence is a $125 fine.
·         The penalty for a second offence is an automatic Court date which has a maximum fine of $2000.

So respect your neighbours. If you're listening to this loud, close your windows.

Music video by AC/DC performing You Shook Me All Night Long. (C) 2009 Leidseplein Presse, B.V..

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