There Are Lonely New Benches In Downtown Peterborough Just Waiting To Be Sat On #BenchesPTBO

[UPDATE May 13th]: We asked City of Peterborough Urban Design Planner Brian Buchardt why some of the benches we're installed facing toward the buildings, and here's what he had to say: "I was able to get the benches for free from the company who recently installed the large burgundy waste and recycling containers in the Downtown. I gave the company the locations for the benches. However, I never dreamed they would install some of them facing the wrong way! We will ask them to come back at some point and have the benches turned around. They may have been following the examples of other municipalities, which have their benches facing inward—rather than outward to the street. The thing is though, benches facing inward are usually much closer to the street. I do not subscribe to this orientation anywhere because personally, I would always want to be facing the action on the street."


[ORIGINAL POST: May 12th] The city has installed brand new benches along the sidewalks of our downtown core. Some of the new benches face inward toward buildings. The other benches have views looking outward toward the street. The benches are lonely right now. They want people to sit on them. We’d like to hear your thoughts about the benches. Which ones would you sit on—facing out toward the street or looking in toward the buildings? Or does it depend on your mood? And which bench locations do you prefer around the downtown? Tell us in our comments section below or on our Facebook page. See pictures below...

—Scott Arnold

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