We Wish You An Amazing 2015!

The PTBOCanada.com team wishes all our readers and advertisers an amazing 2015! We had a great 2014 here at PTBOCanada sharing stories about this awesome community, and couldn't do this without you. We more than doubled our traffic and advertisers in 2014; explanded our Featured Post and Upcoming Event sections; and launched PTBOCanada Quizzes and "PTBOCanada Live With Mike Judson" podcasts (including a SoundCloud channel). Also, our stories were picked up nationally and internationally by the likes of Huffington Post Canada and Jezebel. We have more exciting brand extensions in the works for 2015—our 5th anniversary year—as we continue to explore new ways of using technology, social media and storytelling to expand our reach and highlight this great city.

We believe in sharing positive stuff about the city, which has so much going for it. Ingenuity, experimentation, compassion, solutions, fun, entertainment and humour is the name of the game here. As Ron MacLean said in a blog post about Peterborough after spending more time here, "When I think of Peterborough I imagine a beacon, a place that would pick you up from a fall into misfortune and set you straight in the glow of great honour." That, too, is the city we envision, as we collaborate with you on building something special.

Here is to an AMAZING 2015 and beyond, and thanks for continuing to inspire us!

Tip us at tips@ptbocanada.com. Follow us on TwitterPinterest and Instagram, and Like us on Facebook.
