OPP Issue Release On What You Can Do To Avoid Problems With Bears
/ From an OPP release today...
Due to the recent warm weather, officers from Peterborough County OPP have had to respond to several incidents involving humans and bears throughout the County of Peterborough.
As homes, cottages and campgrounds encroach further into the wild, the number of incidents involving people and wild animals, especially bears will continue to increase.
Bears forage for food primarily by using their keen sense of smell and they will investigate that smell even if it is coming from your home, cottage or camp.
The problems between black bears and humans occur when the animals are attracted to the smell of an easy meal of pet food, bird seed or garbage. As long as the smell of that food source continues to be available, they will return.
What you can do to avoid problems with bears:
• Fill bird feeders only during the late fall and winter months then store them in the spring and summer.
• Put garbage in containers with tight fitting lids and only put it out on garbage days, not the night before.
• Store garbage containers in bear resistant bins, sheds or garages but do not store outside in plywood boxes, old freezers or vehicles.
• Do not stockpile garbage, take it to the dump frequently
• Never leave garbage behind. If you must leave before garbage day or if you do not have pick-up, take your garbage with you when you go. Take it to the dump or local transfer station.
• Keep meat scraps in the freezer until garbage day
• Do not leave pet food outdoors. Feed pets indoors, not outside or in screened in areas or porches.
• Remove grease and food residue from barbeque grills after each use and don’t forget to clean out the grease cup underneath the grill.
• Do not put meat, fish or sweet food (including fruit) in your composter
• Pick all ripe fruit off trees and remove vegetables and fallen fruit from the ground
Remember, you are responsible for your own personal safety. Take precautions when you are outdoors.
For Bear Problems contact: the Ministry of Natural Resources Bear Report Line at 1-866-514-2327
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