An Email That is Circulating From Ayotte Campaign Team That Doesn't Hold Back On The Punches

John McNutt is Paul Ayotte's campaign manager. Here's the email...

Subject: tonight
Date: Thu, 21 Oct 2010 13:55:59 -0400
Hi everyone
Just a reminder to watch Chex TV tonight at 9pm as Paul brings his message home to everybody.
This election is not by any means over.
Are you going to let it be decided by an egotistical ,smug neo conservative businessman, an out of town professional spin doctor, a newspaper, that is a wrapper at best ,for grocery store ads, six faceless people who think they a political pundits and an over the hill sports caster?

I think not.
So here is what we all need to do
1. Do I have to say this VOTE
2. Make sure your neighbours and relatives VOTE
3. You facebook twitter guys TURN UP THE VOLUME and make sure everyone VOTE
See how simple it is
There is approximately 200 people who see this email. Each of you be responsible for seeing that 5 more people get out and Vote so let see that is now 1200 people and they are each responsible for 5 each so now it is 7400. Now that group they only need to each contact I each and we are 14,800 enough to win. Oh by the way THEY VOTE FOR PAUL
Easy as 1x5x5x1
We won easily with 12,000 the last time so no sweat.
Thanks to those of you who helped us carry the message this last week with your contributions
See everyone at The Holiday Inn Monday night at 730 pm
John McNutt
Paul for continued Progress
Campaign Chair 2010
874-5265 office
760-1540 cell

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