Local Fraternity Having 48-Hour Outdoor Campout To Fundraise For Housing Insecurity On Feb. 10-12

The 12th annual Tau Kappa Epsilon (TKE) in a Box fundraiser returns on Feb. 10 - 12 to raise awareness about housing insecurity in the Peterborough and the Kawarthas announced on Tuesday.


Volunteers from (TKE) student fraternity are camping for 48 hours to raise funds and awareness about the need for affordable housing in Peterborough with proceeds going to support Habitat for Humanity Peterborough and the Kawarthas. The goal is to receive $5,000 with $600 already raised.

Various shelter-based organizations in the city have benefitted from this event including One City Peterborough, One Roof, and Habitat for Humanity from 2017-2020 according to a press release.

“We selected Habitat for Humanity again because we believe that their work towards developing housing for low-income families is going to positively impact the Peterborough community,” says former TKE President, Alexander Mills. “As a student who works part-time, I have found that it is hard to find affordable housing while being able to pay for tuition, the increasing food prices, and other living expenses. I have been very fortunate to be able to afford these things, but I can see that the number of people in our community who can no longer afford basic living expenses has risen and continues to rise.”

The event is scheduled to start at 4 p.m. on Feb. 10 until 4 p.m. on Feb. 12 in the parking lot of the Venture North at 270 George St. N.

“We are very happy to be partnering with TKE again to raise awareness for affordable housing,” says Jenn MacDonald, Communications & Donor Services Manager at Habitat for Humanity Peterborough & Kawartha Region. “Too many working families in our community do not have stable or secure housing and are one eviction notice away from the threat of homelessness. With escalating rent prices and a vacancy rate of less than 1%, this event helps highlight the precariousness many in our community are facing.”

Funds raised will support Phase 2 of Habitat’s condo project, bringing 12 affordable units to the City of Peterborough according to a press release.

To donate to the fundraiser, you can visit their page online.

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Beloved Man Doug “Dougie” Johnson Has Passed Away; Candlelight Vigil Being Held Honouring Lives Lost to Homelessness This Wednesday

Peterborough is mourning one of the most beloved homeless people of the city as Doug “Dougie” Johnson has passed away and is being honoured as one of several people at a candlelight vigil at City Hall at 5 p.m. this Wednesday.

Facebook Photo.

The vigil is to show solidarity and support to anyone who lost their life or is at risk during the winter season due to homelessness and lack of affordable housing according to the Facebook event.

It was created by Courtney Elizabeth Fisher on Dec. 14. The event is asking anyone to send along photos of anyone lost from homelessness to be honoured and show City Councillors its magnitude and influence.

Johnson with his daughter Dana. HIs daughter and most of the maternal family moved out to Western Canada for a living. Facebook Photo.

Known to frequent downtown, Johnson was described as ‘respectful, kind and caring’ according to his daughter, Dana Johnson in a prior interview with PTBOCanada. She tells her dad’s story from her point of view two years ago.

Doug had suffered from schizophrenia and addiction that impacted his mental health.

He has worked at a slaughterhouse as a contractor and at the General Motors truck plant. Johnson' also worked for his father his entire life at the farm. Prior to his diagnosis, he got married and started a family.

“Taking care of our needs and mental stability is so important,” said Dana in a prior interview. “I’ve learnt that it’s okay to not feel ashamed to ask for help, not to hide, or stuff all the feelings way down deep. Because when it blows up, it could be life-changing.”

A Facebook page called ‘Surviving.PTBO’ reported his loss on Wednesday night but details have not been released regarding his death. Comments were pouring in sending condolences and sharing good memories of Doug.

“I will miss being blessed by this man every time I saw him. He would always hold the door for me and yet he never once asked for money,” said Scotty Wood in a Facebook comment. “The city won’t feel the same without Dougie. Heaven gained an angel and so did all of us here in Peterborough. This man will be watching over us all just like we watched over him.”

“Dougie, we will miss you. You were always courteous, pleasant and giving,” said Deborah Wittekoek on Facebook. “I remember way back when City Lights were still open, the owner would give him free food at closing and he would come to my cab and offer me some. I never saw anything but kindness from him. He helped me find my son one time when he went missing. He will be sadly missed but also happily remembered.”

“I will never forget you coming to my daughter’s celebration of life and you stopped in the parking lot to look in a truck mirror to check your hair,” said Gail Perry on a social media post. “You looked so nice, such a caring and thoughtful person.”

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City Providing Temporary Overnight Drop-in Space During Major Winter Storm

The City of Peterborough is providing temporary overnight warming space for people who are experiencing homelessness throughout the major winter storm from Thursday until Boxing Day morning (Dec. 26).

File Photo.

The space is open from 7 p.m. to 9 a.m. at the Social Services office at 178 Charlotte St.

The City is also providing a daytime drop-in space in partnership with One Roof Community Centre at 99 Brock St. with extended hours from 8:30 a.m. to 9:30 p.m. until Jan. 2.

Emergency shelters are open and available to people experiencing homelessness who require emergency overnight shelter.

  • YES Shelter for Youth and Families, 705-748-3851, 196 Brock St.

  • Brock Mission men’s shelter, 705-748-4766, 120 Murray St.

  • Cameron House women’s shelter, 705-748-4766, 739 Chemong Rd.

  • Overflow Shelter at 210 Wolfe St., overnight phone 705-761-1875

If regular emergency shelters are full, or for individuals who cannot access traditional shelters, alternative accommodations may be available in motels. If people are given temporary shelter in motels during extreme winter weather, the City provides transportation to the motel and food onsite.

Emergency After Hours Services related to emergency shelter are available through the Social Services by calling 705-926-0096. The Peterborough Social Services website has full details at www.peterborough.ca/socialservices.

Information on the City of Peterborough response plan that provides a warm space for people who are experiencing homelessness to access 24 hours a day during extreme winter weather events is online at www.peterborough.ca/en/news/services-for-people-experiencing-homelessness-during-extreme-winter-weather.aspx.

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Quaker Foods City Square Ribbon-Cutting Ceremony Cancelled Due To Impending Protest; Activities To Proceed

The ribbon-cutting ceremony for the Quaker Foods City Square this Saturday has been put on hold due to an impending protest however, family activities will proceed as normal announced on Wednesday.


The protest arranged by Michelle McQuaid is known as the ‘Concrete Priorities Protest’ to protest the City’s celebration and spending on the park , especially the heated concrete while Peterborough is undergoing a homelessness crisis.

The $6.4-million project was supported by a non-repayable contribution of $750,000 from the Government of Canada, through the Federal Economic Development Agency for Southern Ontario (FedDev Ontario) as part of the Canada Community Revitalization Fund, to support the construction of the rink, as well as landscaping and water features.

The City also used $677,909 from the Ontario Lottery and Gaming Corporation from its share of gaming revenues provided as a host community for a casino, and $50,000 from the Peterborough Downtown Business Improvement Area to support the project. PepsiCo Foods, through its Quaker brand, is providing approximately $240,000 over 15 years for the naming rights to the public square.

Former Mayor Diane Therrien declared a state of emergency on homelessness in Peterborough after calling a special city council meeting on Oct. 13. This occurred a few weeks prior to the municipal election when Therrien said she would not run for another mayoral term.

McQuaid stated the following on the social media event on the City’s alleged inaction on the homelessness issue:

“I know tents are not ideal, but they would be alot more comfortable on HEATED PAVEMENT! We have community members sleeping outside, in cars, tents... Whatever shelter they can make... ...and The City of Peterborough decides to celebrate? I'd like to know exactly what they are celebrating and acknowledge what they are choosing to ignore.”

The protest is still scheduled to occur despite the City withdrawing certain activities and the ribbon-cutting ceremony according to the Facebook event.

The City has stated that speeches will be rescheduled to thank the partners and sponsors that contributed to the park’s construction but has yet to release a date.

The family activities are still scheduled to run from 11 a.m. to 3 p..m. There is outdoor skating, face painting and a DJ to play music during the event. Hot chocolate, sweet treats, stilt walkers and performance artists were scheduled for the event but have been withdrawn due to the protest.

The square is located at the former Louis Street Parking Lot off the corner of Aylmer Street and Charlotte Street. It is a year-round space for community events and activities. The space includes a refrigerated outdoor skating rink during winter and a water play feature for the summer.

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Local Woman Spending the Night Outside; Raising Money Through Homelessness Awareness Initiative

Wilhelmina Don-Venus will be pitching her tent this Saturday, (International Human Rights Day) spending the night outside in Peterborough and raising money through her ‘Tent-Up To Make Homelessness #UNIGNORABLE’ initiative.

Photo Courtesy of Wilhelmina Don-Venus.

Don-Venus “… hopes to raise both awareness to the cold reality our unsheltered neighbours live during the winter months, and funds to support local homelessness initiatives and support for the almost 300 people in Peterborough who don’t have the basic human right of a safe place to sleep,” she says in a press release.

Beyond raising awareness, she wants her efforts to support the vital services that local, charitable organizations provide to those who are facing winter outside.

“There is a network of agencies who work to provide outreach, cold weather survival gear, counselling and so many integral supports to our neighbours experiencing homelessness and I want to help by raising funds to be invested in these services,” said Don-Venus.

Last year, she met ‘Jessica’ and her dog, ‘Hailey.’ Don-Venus says Jessica has been homeless for over 5 years and will likely face another winter outside.

“Her love and commitment to faithful companion Hailey has precluded her from many temporary and more permanent housing options,” said Don-Venus.

Although some local shelters provide accommodation for pets, she says Jessica had several bad experiences and no longer feels safe.

“While I can’t change the circumstances in Jessica’s life, I feel that it is very important for us all to do what we can, every day to have empathy and compassion for all of our neighbours,” she said.

The United Way Peterborough and District has set up a giving page to help Don-Venus reach her $2,500 goal by Dec. 13.

“We are all born equal in dignity and human rights and taking a moment to share a kind word or offer encouragement to those who are struggling is meaningful, and may be the one thing that keeps them going for another day,” said Don-Venus.

To learn more about ‘Tent-Up To Make Homelessness #UNIGNORABLE’, or to donate, visit the website.

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Trillium Grant of $75,000 Gives Yes Shelter Research Funding to Bring Host Homes Program to Peterborough

The YES Shelter is researching if a Host Homes Program is feasible in Peterborough to prevent youth from entering the shelter system and provide supportive housing after receiving a $75,000 Ontario Trillium Foundation grant.

YEs Shelter reports that a consistency of roughly 50 youth expereince homelessness in Peterborough. Photo by David Tuan Bui.

The project goal is to determine whether it is viable and ideal to have a Host Home Program for Peterborough City and County. The grant was originally awarded in 2019 but delayed over COVID-19 until last year. Host Homes Program helps youth experiencing or at risk of homelessness have a safe, home-like environment while repairing their relationship with natural supports according to a press release. Youth experiencing trauma that can come with homelessness can be supported through the cause of their housing instability.

The funding aids in staff, research, travel, an ethics board and labour.

“This grant of $75,000 has allowed the YES Shelter for Youth to continue supporting youth and families and addressing youth homelessness,” said MPP Dave Smith. “It has been said that it takes a village to raise a child and the YES Shelter and other community partners have been able to lessen the burden on these youth by providing a safe shelter and other supports they need.”

The program helps prevent anyone aged 16 - 24 from entering the shelter system in Peterborough and gives access to community support. Typical causes of youth homelessness can include family conflict, poverty, and family rejection due to gender identity or sexual orientation according to Aimeé Le Lagadec, YES Shelter executive director.

“There are currently very few supports in place for young people who need to leave home prematurely to maintain their safety and wellbeing,” she said. “This program connects community members with the ability to keep youth safe while they access supports, continue going to school and avoid having to worry about their survival on the streets.”

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Mayor Diane Therrien Declares State of Emergency On Homelessness

Mayor Diane Therrien has declared a state of emergency on homelessness after calling a special city council meeting on Thursday.

Mayor Diane Therrien was first elected back in 2018, defeating incumbent Daryl Bennett. Photo by David Tuan Bui.

Therrien is acting alone on the matter as city council made no motion to make the declaration.

“I’ve called a Special Meeting of Council for this Thursday to receive an update from (and provide direction to, if needed) staff about the plans for ensuring unhoused folks have access to indoor space this fall/winter,” said Therrien in a Tweet.

She is following suit with cities such as St. Catharines, Niagara Falls and Ottawa which have also declared states of emergency.

Sandra Clancy, chief administrative officer says that due to the timing of when this emergency has been declared, rules within Municipal Act curb the ability of city council and senior staff to spend money during the lame duck period.

The declaration is in name only for the time being as additional funds from federal or provincial governments cannot be received nor is the city able to spend its own money.

The city must wait during the lame duck period before the new city council is elected on Oct. 24 and officially sworn in on Nov. 28.

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Second Annual Sleep Out Raises $2,000 For YES Shelter And Kawartha Sexual Assault Centre

Simal Iftikhar, a Trent University student, hosted the second annual Sleep Out in support of the Youth Emergency Shelter (YES) and the Kawartha Sexual Assault Centre (KSAC) on Saturday and raised $2,000 in support of both organizations.

Iftikhar at Saturday’s event. Photo courtesy of Simal Iftikhar.

According to Iftikhar, about 20 people joined her on Saturday night to sleep outside at the Peterborough Lions Club, while 10 people participated from home - sleeping in their own yards.

Saturday was damp, a bit cold and not much sleep actually happened says Iftikhar - though she noted that they were in a safe, enclosed space which is already more than those sleeping rough in Peterborough have.

Iftikhar hosted this event in hopes to raise awareness of the challenges homeless youth face, while fundraising for YES and KSAC.

The night began with a ‘round table talk’ with speakers from YES and KSAC attending to share information on the housing crisis in Peterborough and it’s relation to human trafficking.

“I think everyone waked away with a better understanding of the challenges that these people face daily,” she said.

To date Iftikhar has raised $2,000, which will be split between YES and KSAC. The GoFundMe will be open for the rest of the week for those interested in donating.

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Trent Student Hosting Second Annual Sleep Out To Raise Awareness And Funds For Homelessness In Peterborough

Simal Iftikhar, a Trent University student, is hosting the second annual Sleep Out in support of the Youth Emergency Shelter (YES) and the Kawartha Sexual Assault Centre (KSAC) on Sept. 10.

Simal is currently pursuing her master’s in education at Trent University. Photo courtesy of Simal Iftikhar.

Last year Iftikhar slept outside during the winter to highlight the struggles of homeless people sleeping outside in the cold.

Due to COVID restrictions she invited others that wanted to participate to do so on their own but this year she is inviting anyone that wants to participate to join her at the Lion’s Club in East City.

In contrast to last year, this years event will be hosted in the summer to demonstrate the unique challenges that come with being unhoused in the summer heat.

Part of the reason Iftikhar is hosting this event can be attributed to her time working in the mental health sector.

“We’re experiencing a crisis within a crisis,” she said. “We know the pandemic has increased mental health inequities. and those that experience that the most are already marginalized.”

She also notes the impact that COVID-19 has had on shelters.

“I’ve talked with shelter workers and they have to turn people away when they never have before, we can’t let that happen. These people are just like us, they’re people who lost their jobs, who just can’t make ends meet.”

While working in mental health Iftikhar says she spoke with many young people experiencing homelessness that were also victims of human trafficking.

She hopes that through this event she can raise awareness of the challenges homeless youth face, while fundraising for YES and KSAC.

During last years event she raised over $5,000 and she hopes to do that again.

Iftikhar says in speaking with employees at the YES Shelter, she learned that a large portion of their funding comes from the municipality and the rest comes from individual donors.

She will split the funds 50/50 and leave it up to each organization to decide what they will do with the donation.

Donations can be made online. Those interested in joining Iftikhar on September 10 are asked to register for free on Eventbrite and bring their own sleeping bag and cardboard sign.

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Ontario Funds Over $5 Million In Program For People Experiencing Homelessness

The Ontario Government has invested $5,164,300 in Peterborugh for their new Homeless Prevention Program to help anyone experiencing or at-risk of homelessness announced on Tuesday.

Sheldon Laidman, City of Peterborough commissioner of community services (left); MPP Dave Smith (middle) and Coun. Keith Riel (right) outside Peterborough City Hall where the announcement was made. Photo by David Tuan Bui.

It launches on April 1 that combines the Community Homelessness Prevention Initiative, Home for Good and the Strong Communities Rent Supplement Program.

Service managers will have more flexibility to target funding where it is needed and allow for greater financial accountability by measuring their progress in reducing and preventing homelessness according to MPP Dave Smith.

“Addressing homelessness is a complex issue and one key component is the personal relationship before social workers and outreach workers and their clients,” said MPP Dave Smith. “The new program is easier, streamlined and client-focused.”

The streamlined program plans to help anyone with resources find a place to live.

Access to the funding is based on a “by-name list” that meets provincial requirements while containing accessible information for anyone needing the program to be connected with local support.

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