The Peterborough Police Service And Lansdowne Place Mall Team Up For 12th Annual Cop Shop

The Peterborough Police Service and Lansdowne Place Mall are excited for the 12th Annual Cop Shop, a cherished holiday tradition for officers, mall staff and local children.

Started in 2006 by Peterborough Police Constable Leanda LeVasseur, Cop Shop partners a Peterborough Police Service officer with a local child based on good school citizenship, volunteer or academic achievement. The schools select the children that participate in the program. 

2016 Cop Shop at Lansdowne Place Mall


-> The children arrive at the mall in a limousine and are provided breakfast courtesy of Tim Hortons.

-> They are also generously provided with a $200 gift certificate from Lansdowne Place to spend on holiday shopping for family and friends.

-> The officer becomes the child’s personal shopper for the day and a bond is quickly formed. (All of the officers that participate in the program are volunteering during their off-duty time.)

-> Mall shops provide the kids with additional discounts and treats.

-> Purchases are wrapped and tagged by mall staff, and by volunteers from the community and the police service. Lunch caps off the event followed by a complimentary photo with Santa and their officer friend.

-> The students then enjoy a limousine ride back to their school courtesy of Welsh Limousine and Ulimate Limousine.  

2016 Cop Shop at Lansdowne Place Mall

This year’s Cop Shop takes place on Wednesday, December 5th. The children will be arriving at the mall at approximately 9:30 a.m. and the event takes place until about 1:30 p.m.

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Dinosaur Exhibit Coming To Lansdowne Place

A neat exhibit is currently under construction at Lansdowne Place Mall: Indian River Reptile Zoo will have a Dinosaur Exhibit on the lower level of the mall that is slated to open Monday, March 12th.

The exhibit will showcase a collection of 20-plus life-size dinosaurs—some of which even move and roar—creating a thrilling and educational experience for all ages to enjoy.

“I’m not sure who is more excited about dinosaurs coming to the mall, the adults or children!” says Emily Dart, Marketing Director for Lansdowne Place, Cushman Wakefield Asset Services. “We are always looking for opportunities to offer new experiences for the community to enjoy and could not be happier to partner with the Indian River Reptile Zoo to bring this exciting dinosaur exhibit to the mall.”

The exhibit will be located in the vacant unit between Payless and The Body Shop located on the lower level. Admission will be a minimum donation of $5 (per person) with all proceeds supporting the zoo and care of their reptiles. 

Click here for more information on the exhibit (including hours and pricing).

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Lansdowne Place Has A Silent Train On Sunday Mornings For Kids With Sensory Sensitivities

Lansdowne Place has launched a train at the mall this summer, and it's already been a hit with kids and their parents as Engineer Rick leads rides throughout the mall.

But those with sensory issues can also now enjoy "Lansdowne Place Station", as it's been fondly called by passengers. The mall has added a "Silent Train" to its trackless train inside the Shopping Centre on Sunday mornings before it opens for those with sensory sensitivites.

As many mall-goers know, the innovative mall has been running a "Silent Santa" as well for years during the Christmas season, and the mall wanted to offer the same experience to those families who want to use the train.

"There are many families in the community that benefit from our Silent Santa program so when we were asked by a parent if the mall would also host silent train rides, the answer was YES," says LP's marketing director Emily Dart. "We understand that the mall can be very overwhelming for an individual with sensory sensitivities, which is why the Silent Train runs each Sunday morning before Lansdowne Place opens. This will allow families to enjoy the train without the distraction of busy crowds and loud noises."

The "Silent Train" runs Sunday mornings from 10 a.m. to 10:45 am. on the upper level of the mall until August 27th.

For more details about the train, including a listing of the train’s operating hours, visit

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Lansdowne Place Station: LP Introduces Train Rides For Kids This Summer

Lansdowne Place has just launched a train at the mall for this summer, and it's already been a hit with kids and their parents.

TRAIN ENGINEER RICK: Photo by Michelle Cameron

“This summer you can call us Lansdowne Place Station!” LP Marketing Director Emily Dart tells PTBOCanada. “We’re always looking for new activities families can enjoy together so when we had the opportunity to bring a trackless train inside the Shopping Centre, we jumped at the idea!"

Photo by Michelle Cameron

The train, run by Train Engineer Rick, will operate during the months of July and August and alternate between the lower level and upper level of the Centre each day. Weather permitting, it might even go outside some days!

Photo by Michelle Cameron

The train costs $3 a person and children under one are free. All ages are invited to join in so the mall hopes to see everyone try it out over the Summer months.

Photo by Michelle Cameron

For more details about the train, including a listing of the train’s operating hours, visit and "Like" them on Facebook.

Photo by Michelle Cameron

Photo by Michelle Cameron

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Lansdowne Place Launches Greener Way To Clean Your Tray In The Mall Food Court

On Monday (November 7th), Lansdowne Place launched their newest Organics Program, A Greener Way to Clean Your Tray, in the mall food court. The waste containers have been removed from the food court, making way for a new Sorting Station that has been installed.

Similar to what you may have experienced in many GTA malls, Lansdowne Place shoppers are now able to drop off their trays at the Sorting Station and the staff will do the rest to ensure as much unnecessary waste as possible is diverted from the landfills.

Michelle Cameron, Marketing Assistant; Emily Dart, Marketing Director; Mario Serracino, Operations Manager

"We always consider tomorrow at Lansdowne Place and continue to add new programs to help reduce our carbon footprint," says Emily Dart, Marketing Director at Lansdowne Place. "Since the launch of our behind-the-counter Organics Program last year, Lansdowne Place has been able to divert 28 metric tonnes of organic waste from the landfill. With the launch of our newest Organics Program in the foot court, we hope to become that much closer to reaching our goal of zero waste at the Shopping Centre."

Just follow the green footprints in the Lansdowne Place foodcourt to find the sorting station...

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Lansdowne Place Has These Great Reminder Signs On All Their Doors

For several years, Lansdowne Place has been putting up these signs at all their entrances in summer to remind people not to leave their pets or kids in the car.

"We get a great deal of positive response from having these notices up," Emily Dart, Marketing Director of Lansdowne Place, tells PTBOCanada.

The signs are a vital reminder not to risk your pet or child's safety, even if you're "just running into the mall to quickly grab something." The mall showed great initiative to put these notices up, taking a pro-active approach to an important issue that still occurs way too often.

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10th Annual Cop Shop At Lansdowne Place Was Everything Amazing About This Community

Lansdowne Place's 10th annual Cop Shop event—a beautiful partnership between Peterborough Police and LP—was another huge success on Wednesday (December 9th).

Chief Murray Rodd and officers greet the kids

Chief Murray Rodd and officers greet the kids

Each year, select kids are picked up from their school in a limousine and taken to the mall, where they are met by Peterborough Police officers who become their personal shoppers for the day.

"We work with the school boards to identify kids that despite various challenges have risen above and excelled in school," Helen Edwards, Marketing Director with Lansdowne Place, tells PTBOCanada.

"These kids are brought in by limo, given a $200 Lansdowne Place gift card and then partnered with an officer who becomes their personal shopper for the day."

Lansdowne Place donates the gift card to each child, who might arrive with a list of gifts they wish to purchase, or work with their officer to decide what to shop for.

"Our tenants donate gifts or offer great discounts," Helen Edwards tells PTBOCanada. "Tim Hortons provides breakfast, all the officers are volunteering their time, Welsh Limo donates the transportation and we donate gift cards, a new winter coat for each child and Stockings for each child."

It was amazing to see all the police officers who volunteered to be part of this special day, and to the mall's retailers for donating gifts and discounts.

Says LP's Helen Edwards: "Quite simply, this event is our way of giving back to a community that has given us so much. It is our favourite day to come to work, not because of what we give the kids but because of how we continue to be inspired by these amazing kids year after year. They remind us what Christmas really is all about."

It was a day that the kids—and community—will never forget. Here's the group photo...

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Lansdowne Place Turns 35 Years Old

Lansdowne Place opened in 1980, and is now celebrating its 35th anniversary in Peterborough!

LP during construction

LP during construction

Lansdowne Place has grown over the years, and now offers more than 100 stores and services.

LP's old facade

LP's old facade

Share your fave memories, stores and pictures of Lansdowne Place from over the decades on our Facebook page.

LP back in the day

LP back in the day

Learn more about Lansdowne Place's birthday celebrations and anniversary contest on Facebook, Twitter or their website.  

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Cats & Dogs Searching For Their New Forever Homes At Lansdowne Place This Sunday



The Peterborough Humane Society and Lansdowne Place are teaming up for a very special adoption event this Sunday (September 20th) from 11 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. at Centre Court in the mall.



Throughout the day, they will be introducing a number of lovely cats (like the ones pictured—Chuck, Asia and Bunny) and dogs who are searching for their new forever homes.



Duke, the official spokesanimal for the upcoming Friends for Life! Walk, will also be in attendance to help promote the Humane Society's walk happening on Saturday, September 26th at Nicholls Oval Park.

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Lansdowne Place Receives 3 Reports Of Dogs Being Left In Cars

Police, the Humane Society and the media—including us—have been sending out constant messages to not leave your pets in hot cars. Because your pet could die. Unfortunately, not everyone seems to be getting the message.

file photo image

file photo image

We received this email below from Helen Edwards, Marketing Director, at Lansdowne Place Mall, today (September 4th):

"We need your help!  This morning we have had 3 reports of dogs being left in cars in our parking lot, and while thankfully each one has been resolved without serious damage to the pet, we are concerned that this may be happening in other places without the same positive outcome.

Our Security Team believes that right now we may be dealing with people from out of town who in an effort to run a few errands before they make it to their destination are leaving their pets in the car.
If possible, can you please help us spread the word throughout the region in whatever outlet you have at your disposal?  It is my hope that collectively we can potentially help save some loving pets from being permanently damaged."

Great reminder to everyone Helen!

Here is what to do if you see a pet in a hot car.

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