Justin Trudeau Announces Development of High-Speed Rail For Canada; Peterborough Listed As A Stop

Canada is developing a high-speed rail network called ‘Alto’ in the Toronto-Quebec City corridor with Peterborough as one of the stops, announced by Prime Minister Justin Trudeau on Wednesday.

Google Maps Screenshot.

The rail network will span approximately 1,000 km and reach speeds of up to 300 km/hour. Peterborough has been named one of the stops including Toronto, Ottawa, Montréal, Laval, Trois-Rivières, and Quebec City.

The rail claims that travel times will be slashed in half as Montréal to Toronto becomes a three-hour trip.

“Today’s announcement of Alto, a high-speed rail system between Toronto and Quebec City, will transform our economy – drastically shortening commute times for millions of Canadians, turbocharging economic growth, creating thousands of good-paying jobs, improving productivity, and reducing emissions,” said Trudeau.

The Federal Government says this is the country’s largest-ever infrastructure project, claiming it will turbocharge the Canadian economy by boosting GDP by up to $35 billion annually, creating over 51,000 jobs during construction and unlocking enhanced productivity for several decades. The Government continues to say that the electrified high-speed rail will help Canada reduce its emissions and meet its climate targets.

The Liberal government launched a six-year $3.9 billion design and development plan of $3.9 billion starting in 2024-25. This is in addition to the $371.8 million provided in Budget 2024.

Cadence has been selected to co-design, build, finance, operate and maintain the project. They will collaborate and support Alto as work begins on detailed design, Indigenous consultations, land acquisition, and the environmental assessments necessary to enable construction.

This decision results from years of careful deliberations and de-risking, as well as meaningful investment from the Government of Canada, according to a press release.

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Zoo's Miniature Train Ride Opening Late This Year

The Riverview Park and Zoo’s popular miniature train ride traditionally opens around the Victoria Day long weekend but not this season unfortunately.

The zoo has announced that the opening has been delayed due to the project for the rehabilitation of the pump house building at the dam being delayed by the poor weather this spring.

“We are not able to operate the train until the project is completed,” the zoo says. “At this time, we’re estimating that we’ll be opening in the second week of June.”

For updates, follow the zoo on Twitter and Facebook.

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Riverview Park & Zoo Train Opens For Season

The miniature train ride is opening for the season at Riverview Park & Zoo. The train's regularly scheduled hours of operation are 10 a.m. to 6 p.m. and the cost is still just $2 (cash only).

Update of what's open on Victoria Day long weekend at the Zoo...

Hours -> 8:30 am - dusk

Miniature Train Ride: Open (weather permitting)
Snack Bar: Open
Guest Services: Open
Playground and Super Slide: Open
Splash Pad: Not Open Yet
Wheel Chair Swings: Not Open Yet

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Lansdowne Place Station: LP Introduces Train Rides For Kids This Summer

Lansdowne Place has just launched a train at the mall for this summer, and it's already been a hit with kids and their parents.

TRAIN ENGINEER RICK: Photo by Michelle Cameron

“This summer you can call us Lansdowne Place Station!” LP Marketing Director Emily Dart tells PTBOCanada. “We’re always looking for new activities families can enjoy together so when we had the opportunity to bring a trackless train inside the Shopping Centre, we jumped at the idea!"

Photo by Michelle Cameron

The train, run by Train Engineer Rick, will operate during the months of July and August and alternate between the lower level and upper level of the Centre each day. Weather permitting, it might even go outside some days!

Photo by Michelle Cameron

The train costs $3 a person and children under one are free. All ages are invited to join in so the mall hopes to see everyone try it out over the Summer months.

Photo by Michelle Cameron

For more details about the train, including a listing of the train’s operating hours, visit lansdowneplace.com and "Like" them on Facebook.

Photo by Michelle Cameron

Photo by Michelle Cameron

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Riverview Park & Zoo Train To Close Early This Season

The Riverview Park and Zoo has announced that their miniature train ride will be closing for the season following Labour Day weekend this year.

Although the train normally operates on fall weekends right up until Thanksgiving, the ride is closing early this year to allow rehabilitation of the rail bed and tracks in some areas.

The zoo says this rehabilitation work is likely to carry on well into the fall.

To view photos of the original train construction back in the day, click here.

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An Incredible Act Of Kindness To Out Of Town Visitors At Riverview Park & Zoo

A family visiting the Peterborough Riverview Park & Zoo from Toronto wanted to take the zoo train. But the zoo doesn't have an ATM machine yet—they do have plans to get one next summer when their new Guest Services and Education Centre building is complete—and the family had no cash. The kids were really disappointed they wouldn't get to take the train. Then this happened that the woman, Jewels, posted to the zoo's Facebook page...

[via Riverview Zoo Facebook page]

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