Refugee Sponsorship Workshop At New Canadians Centre In Peterborough September 10th

Wondering how to respond to the Syrian crisis? The New Canadians Centre is hosting a special Refugee Sponsorship Workshop this Thursday, September 10th.

The New Canadians Centre has received many inquiries from members of the Peterborough community expressing concern at the ongoing crisis in Syria and wondering how they can help. Many of these inquiries focused on how to sponsor a refugee family to come to Canada.

In response to these inquires, the New Canadians Centre will be hosting this refugee sponsorship workshop on Thursday, September 10th at 7 pm at the New Canadians Centre in Peterborough (221 Romaine St.). Those interested in attending are asked to RSVP the Centre by calling 705.743.0882 or emailing

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LOOK: Awesome Community Photo Project From Courage Peterborough & New Canadians Centre

LOOK: Awesome Community Photo Project From Courage Peterborough & New Canadians Centre

Very cool!

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Recap: Peterborough Family Literacy Day

Trent Valley Literacy Association, Literacy Ontario Central South and Peterborough Family Resource Centre worked together to celebrate Family Literacy Day recently at Peterborough Square.

Free books were donated by Frontier College for all ages to encourage reading and literacy.

Booths were set up from many local businesses such as Music for Moppets, Healthy Families Centre, Catholic District School Board and Kawartha Pine Ridge District School Board.

[Words and Picture by PtboCanada's Evan Holt]

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