YMCA of Central East Ontario To Sign On To Canada-Wide Early Learning and Child Care System

The YMCA of Central East Ontario will sign on to the Canada-Wide Early Learning and Child Care (CWELCC) system along with the other 13 YMCA associations across Ontario announced Tuesday.

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The YMCA says in a press release that while “considerable work remains to address workforce shortages and to improve equity, inclusion and accessibility, (they) look forward to working alongside government and community partners to support its successful implementation and future growth.” The CWELCC system is an “opportunity to build a stronger publicly-managed early years system that will benefit children and their families for years to come.”

"Ultimately our goal is affordable, accessible and high-quality child care for parents, we have advocated for that and understand the importance of high-quality and affordable childcare for families in our community,” said David Allen, YMCA Central East Ontario president and CEO. "Fees will vary from family to family depending on what they’re paying now. For example, more care is required for an infant than for a six-year-old. But providers like the Y who have opted into CWELLC will be reducing fees for 0-6 years old by more than 50 per cent on January 1.”

YMCAs advocate for a high-quality licensed childcare system that is affordable and accessible. They say they have developed and honed a research-based early learning curriculum that is now delivered across Canada.

"As the largest provider of childcare in the province, we are also the number one choice of parents and families, making us the most trusted provider in the province. We have long known that healthy and robust childcare programs set children up for success," said Allen.

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