Township Of Douro-Dummer 2022 Burn Permits Are Now Available

Residents of Douro-Dummer can now apply online for their 2022 burn permits.

Photo by Angela O’Grady

A burn permit is required for anyone residing in the township that wishes to have an open air fire (camp fire, brush fire etc.).

The most common burn permit is a residential permit, costs $20 for the entire year and allowes the user to have multiple fires on the property.

Farmers that need to obtain a burn permit to support farming activities on multiple properties should contact Jess McArthur directly for assistance at (705) 652-8392 x 212 or

The burn permit system is new, and better communicates fire risk and burn bans to the public. The cost of the permit pays for the system the township is using and any surplus will go into a Wildland Firefighting reserve to help pay for future operational response and/or equipment.

Burn permits can be obtained by creating an account online and purchasing your permit with a credit card. They can also be purchased in person at the Municipal Office or the Douro-Dummer Public Library. Cash, cheque and debit are accepted at these two locations. Permits are not valid until paid.

Click here for more information or to purchase a burn permit.

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