Local Broadcaster Helps Lacrosse Website's Inaugural Launch
/Peterborough’s Stephen Stamp has been one of the most significant lacrosse figures in the world and he can add the launch of Lacrosse Link to his list of accomplishments.
Stamp has called six World Lacrosse Championships in his broadcasting career. Photo Courtesy of Stephen Stamp.
Founded by Saskatoon Box Lacrosse founder Randy Trobak, the website is a news and video content provider containing information to educate, empower and expose lacrosse to a worldwide audience. News, interviews, roundtables and professional analyses are several columns that Lacrosse Link will feature.
“If you’re looking for something you’ll want to find (in lacrosse), you may see something you never thought you’d be interested in, “ said Stamp. “It’s a way to have a community and to have connections made.”
Stamp (right) hosted the 2020 Major Series Lacrosse draft show held at the Peterborough Memorial Centre on Jan. 27, 2020. Photo Courtesy of Stephen Stamp.