Indigenous Gifts to Prince of Wales Being On Display For Peterborough Museum & Archives Exbibit Beginning Friday
/Indigenous birch bark baskets are returning to ancestral lands of Michi Saagiig territory as a new temporary exhibit being featured at Peterborough Museum & Archives announced on Tuesday morning.
From left to right) Rachel Peat, Laurie Beavis, Laura Peers and Laurie Carr. The quilled wiigwaasii makakoons must remain in a crate for 48 hours prior to being displayed in order to properly climatize them. Photo by David Tuan bui.
The 13 birch bark baskets, also known as quilled wiigwaasii makakoons (weeg-wah-see mah-ka-coons) go on display to the public beginning Saturday to Nov. 19.
They were made by Michi Saagiig women and gifted to Prince of Wales on Sep. 7, 1860 when he stopped at Rice Lake village (Hiawatha First Nation) as part of a cross-Canada Royal tour.
The exhibition is called “To Honour and Respect: Gifts from the Michi Saagiig Women to the Prince of Wales, 1860,” and explores the cultural knowledge, love, respect and diplomacy that went into the makakoons.
“Hiawatha First Nation and the Mississauga Nation communities are coming together to welcome these Ancestors home for a visit,” said Chief Laurie Carr of Hiawatha First Nation. “We know that the makakoons have the names of women makers attached and there are descendants of these women in our First Nations.