Maintenance Is Beginning On Victoria Park, Expected To Take Several Weeks

With the encampment at Victoria Park gone, Peterborough County has announced they have begun planned maintenance in the park.

Barriers have been installed at all entrances to Victoria Park and signs posted at those locations. The park remains closed and compliance with the trespassing notice is required until the rehabilitation plan is completed and the park is re-opened.

Photo by Neil Morton, PTBOCanada

Clean-Up Tasks Include…

-> Completing a detailed park inspection

-> Collecting garbage and debris

-> Assessing potential safety risks (e.g. sharps)

-> Performing water fountain maintenance

-> Sweeping and cleaning of walkways

-> Top dressing and re-seeding of lawn

-> Repairing benches

-> Cleaning graffiti from park equipment

-> Disinfecting garbage receptacles and other park equipment

-> Completing a tree hazard assessment.

It is expected that this work will take several weeks to complete, and then a notice will go out about when the park will re-open.

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