Here Are Headlines About Peterborough From The 1920s and 1930s
/Trent Valley Archives gave the Peterborough Chamber a really interesting gift recently—a Word document called the "Peterborough Chamber of Commerce Scrap Book". The scrapbook is a list of some of the events, speeches, elections and advocacy issues between the years 1928 and 1937 in Peterborough.
HIstorical photo of Peterborough (we do not know the year but it's cool)
The community of the late '20s, early '30s was concerned with bringing people and business to the area, along with brainstorming ways to showcase Peterborough to the world—in other words, very similar to today.
Roy Studio photo from late '20s/early '30s
Here are some of the fascinating headlines/issues of that time frame from the scrapbook...
"Central Ontario Communities encourage highway extension"
"Boat builders make protest against luxury tax"
"Give a man a job campaign"
"Canadian tourist trade worth promoting, and should punish hotels that hurt our image"
"CNR planning to close railway lines from Port Hope"
"Board of Trade not opposed to building of Severn Locks"
"Editorial: Complete the Canal"
"US Tourists spent $517,706 in District"
"Downtown shopping promotion being deferred; idea liked, but too short lead time for Christmas"
"Boatmakers complain the depth of the Trent Canal is sometimes less than six feet that is advertised"
"Business men think it a good idea to promote Kawartha’s through big US sports shows"
"Water supply on Trent holding strong; can operate large factories"
"Parking time on George Street to be limited to 20 minutes"
—written by Sandra Dueck, Policy Analyst/Communications Specialist, Peterborough Chamber
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