OLG Issues Third-Quarter Gaming Revenue Payment to Peterborough of $664,043

Ontario Lottery and Gaming Corporation (OLG) has made their third quarter payment totalling $664,043 to the City of Peterborough for hosting Shorelines Casino Peterborough announced on Friday morning.

Since 1994, host communities have received more than $2.2 billion in non-tax gaming revenue. File Photo.

The quarter was from Oct. 1 to Dec. 31.

During OLG’s fiscal year (April 1, 2024 to March 31, 2025), Peterborough has received $2,130,706. Since the gaming site opened in October 2018, Peterborough has amassed $14,508,090 according to a press release.

These payments to host communities are based on a formula consistently applied across all gaming sites in Ontario using a graduated scale of gaming revenue at the hosted site as stated in a press release. 

“OLG’s Municipality Contribution Agreement payments help pave the way for Peterborough to build critical infrastructure and fund important programs that make a real difference for residents,” said Dave Smith, Peterborough-Kawartha MPP. “Shorelines Casino Peterborough supports numerous jobs and generates a great deal of economic activity that, in turn, improves the well-being of our local community.”

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OLG Makes Fourth-Quarter Payment of Over $670,000 to The City of Peterborough

Ontario Lottery and Gaming Corporation (OLG) has made its fourth quarter payment of $678,417 to the City of Peterborough for hosting Shorelines Casino Peterborough, announced on Friday.

Since 1994, host communities have received more than $2 billion in non-tax gaming revenue. File Photo.

During OLG’s fiscal year (April 1, 2023 to March 31, 2024), Peterborough has received $2,973,019. Since the gaming site opened in October 2018, Peterborough has received $12,377,384.

These payments to the host communities are based on a formula consistently applied across all gaming sites in Ontario using a graduated scale of gaming revenue at the hosted site according to a press release.

“For decades, profits from gaming have been an important source of funding for Ontario communities, helping to deliver vital services and making a real difference for gaming host municipalities,” said Peter Bethlenfalvy, Minister of Finance. “This is one of the many different ways Ontario continues to create good-paying, local jobs that play a critical role in supporting our economy, while ensuring a socially responsible gaming environment for people to enjoy.”

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OLG Issues Third-Quarter Gaming Revenue Payment to Peterborough of $700,000

Ontario Lottery and Gaming Corporation (OLG) has made their third quarter payment totalling $704,652 to the City of Peterborough for hosting Shorelines Casino Peterborough announced on Friday morning.

Since 1994, host communities have received more than $2 billion in non-tax gaming revenue. File Photo.

The quarter was from Oct. 1 to Dec. 31.

During OLG’s fiscal year (April 1, 2023 to March 31, 2024), Peterborough has received $2,294,602. Since the gaming site opened in October 2018, Peterborough has amassed $11,698,967 according to a press release.

These payments to host communities are based on a formula consistently applied across all gaming sites in Ontario using a graduated scale of gaming revenue at the hosted site as stated in a press release. 

“OLG continues to provide Municipality Contribution Agreement payments to gaming host communities for vital programs and services that benefit all Ontarians,” ssaid Peter Bethlenfalvy, Minister of Finance. “Land-based casinos offer good, local jobs and play an important role in supporting strong, vibrant communities for families to live, work and play.”

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OLG Issues Second-Quarter Gaming Revenue Payment to Peterborough of $800,000

Ontario Lottery and Gaming Corporation (OLG) has made their second quarter payment totalling $800,021 to the City of Peterborough for hosting Shorelines Casino Peterborough announced on Wednesday morning.

Since 1994, host communities have received more than $2 billion in non-tax gaming revenue.. File Photo.

The quarter was from July 1 to Sept. 30.

During OLG’s fiscal year from Apr. 1 to Mar. 31, 2024, Peterborough has received $1,589,950. Since Shoreline’s opening in October 2018, the city has amassed $10,994,315.

These payments to host communities are based on a formula consistently applied across all gaming sites in Ontario using a graduated scale of gaming revenue at the hosted site according to a press release. 

“OLG continues to be a proud partner in hosting gaming communities,” said Peter Bethlenfalvy, Minister of Finance.  “Municipality Contribution Agreement payments help these municipalities fund priorities such as community infrastructure, parks and recreation and local health care facilities, benefiting families and local residents.”

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OLG Makes First-Quarter Payment of Over $780,000 to The City of Peterborough

Ontario Lottery and Gaming Corporation (OLG) has made its first quarter payment of $789,929 to the City of Peterborough for hosting Shorelines Casino Peterborough, announced on Wednesday.

Since 1994, host communities have received more than $2 billion in non-tax gaming revenue. File Photo.

The first quarter ran from April 1 to June 30. Peterborough has received $10,194,294 since the Shorelines opened in October 2018.

These payments to host communities are based on a formula consistently applied across all gaming sites in Ontario using a graduated scale of gaming revenue at the hosted site as stated in a press release. 

“Host communities support important community programs and services and strengthen their local infrastructure with these gaming revenues,” said Peter Bethlenfalvy, minister of finance. “These financial supports help fund the vital programs and services that residents can depend on for their future.”

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OLG Makes Gaming Revenue Payment to City of Peterborough

Ontario Lottery and Gaming Corporation (OLG) announced Thursday that the City of Peterborough will receive non-tax gaming revenue payment of $571,586 for hosting Shorelines Casino Peterborough.

Shorelines Casino. Photo by Angela O’Grady.

Since October 2018, the City of Peterborough has received almost $5.5 million in non-tax gaming revenue.

“We are pleased that land-based casinos have reopened safely and are contributing to our local economy again,” said Dave Smith, MPP for Peterborough-Kawartha. “The City of Peterborough continues to benefit from significant revenue from its Municipality Contribution Agreement. This capital enables the city to invest in affordable housing and critical infrastructure as we build a foundation for recovery from the COVID-19 pandemic.”

OLG makes payments to host municipalities under the Municipality Contribution Agreements, using a prescribed formula consistently applied across all sites in Ontario that is based on a graduated scale of gaming revenue at the hosted site or sites.

Under the province's reopening framework, gaming sites were able to resume operations beginning on July 16, 2021. Casino re-opening dates were determined by each service provider in consultation with OLG, depending on their readiness and ability to operate under the mandatory restrictions. All gaming sites in Ontario resumed operations by August 16, 2021.

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The Phillips Report: Gambling On Our Economic Future

When the issue of having a casino in Peterborough comes up in casual conversation, the most common reactions are usually physical, not verbal. Either people's eyes roll or their shoulders shrug. Most often, people are against it or ambivalent to it. Rarely does anyone engage the idea with a sense of excitement or express how important a casino would be for the future of the City.

Those who do articulate their support first argue that it creates jobs and that it is a way to attract more tourists. Both arguments have some merit. Those who are against it see it as having potentially serious social consequences, such as those who will develop a gambling "addiction." This position has some merit, too. There are, however, some facts that need to be considered when considering the reality of a casino.

First, collectively, the patrons of a casino always leave the casino with less money in their pockets than they had when they walked in. "The House" always gets its' cut, which is substantial, and is used to create the jobs at the casino. 

The second fact, that most people choose to ignore, is that what determines the difference between the money one has in their pocket when they enter the casino versus the money they have in their pocket when they leave it is determined by chance—luck—not their natural good fortune or fate. 

The third fact is that there is a considerable financial investment that needs to be made to create a casino.  This is rarely mentioned in casual conversation. It would be interesting to know if people think that this investment could be better used more effectively in creating jobs and economic opportunity in the City.

Finally, and is most concerning, is that most people believe that the only source of economic growth comes into the community from outside it. The casino is coming to us, not being created by us. In effect, there is a general view that our economic development is up to others, outside the community, not ourselves. This view considers marketing Peterborough as the only means of growing the economic opportunity.

It is time that we come to grips with the opportunities for growth that come from within the community. We need to rid ourselves of the myths that constrain us and seek out, and invest in, the opportunities that already exist in our community.

The most generally accepted approach to future growth is to invest in "shot gun marketing"—shooting out the "message" about Peterborough and seeing what it hits, and comes to us. Although there are often comments made about investing in building on what we already have in the community, there is little evidence that there is any significant investment in it. The idea that there are strengths in the community to build on is given lip service, at best.

The "shot gun marketing" approach, ironically, is a lot like a casino. We are investing in activities where the payoff is determined by chance. To even the most ardent casino supporter, it wouldn’t make any sense for a successful local business looking at making a $1 million investment in its growth to spend the $1 million at the casino and expect a better financial return than investing in their business.   

The Peterborough economy—the mix of the private and public sectors—is more diverse today than it has ever been. Unlike the local economy of fifty years ago, we are blessed with an economic foundation that can support a much larger economic structure than we now have. To build this economic structure, we need to find new ways—investing in new ways—to build on our strengths. Making these investments from our community, in our community, is much more likely to lead to meaningful, sustainable economic growth than gambling on others coming to "save" us.

The arguments for and against the casino belies the real issue: how we can best spend public- and private-sector funds to help us meet our economic potential? The investments required for a casino to become a reality here could be better spent investing public and private funds in building on the considerable strengths that already exist in this community.

It is not difficult to determine where the opportunities for growing the existing economy are. In fact, that work has already been done. Obviously, given the discussion we are having about the casino, there are funds to invest. Now it’s about how to spend them.

The sad reality is that the longer we neglect investing in strengthening and growing what we already have here, the more we lose our competitive advantages to other communities that are making investments in strengthening their communities.

The real lesson coming out of the discussion about the casino is that thoughtful and meaningful investments in the existing economic strengths of Peterborough are more likely to pay off than gambling with our hard earned economic resources.    

[Contributed by PtboCanada's Tom Phillips. Ph. D. Phillips is Professor in the business programs at Fleming College and Trent University.]

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You Might Want To Attend This Public Meeting On The Topic Of A Casino In Peterborough

Head over to the Board Room at the Kawartha Pine Ridge District School Board office (1994 Fisher Drive) on Tuesday, March 5th at 6:30 p.m. to join the discussion on the possibility of a casino coming to town—and the pros and cons of such a decision. This is a special public Planning Committee Meeting and the city would like your input. So make sure to give it.

[Related: Case Study: What Happened When Springfield Opened A Casino; The Peterborough Casino: What the OLG Isn't Telling You; Casino Would Be One Of Largest Employers]

[Contributed by PtboCanada's Evan Holt]

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Case Study: What Happened When Springfield Opened A Casino

In the 1993 episode of The Simpsons, "$pringfield (Or, How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love Legalized Gambling)", Principal Skinner pitches the idea of opening a casino during a town hall meeting discussing ways to revitalize the economy. And townsfolk seem to dig it. Mr. Burns, owner of the Springfield Nuclear Power Plant, really likes the idea and the boost it should give to the economy and how it will make him richer.

So Mr. Burns decides to build it on the waterfront and name it "Mr. Burns' Casino" and be the owner, while Smithers is his casino manager. Homer leaves his job at the power plant and takes a job with Mr. Burns at the casino as a blackjack dealer when it opens.

While Marge waits for Homer's shift to end at the casino one day, she finds a quarter on the floor and uses it to play a slot machine. She wins. And she almost immediately gets addicted to gambling, while neglecting everyone around her—including Lisa who has an important school assignment.

Bart is too young to gamble at Mr. Burns' Casino—he tries, but gets kicked out—so he starts his own casino for his friends and all their friends to play in his treehouse.

When Homer realizes Marge has developed a serious addiction to gambling—she's there at the casino 24/7—he looks for her in a panic in the casino. His outburst is caught on the casino's security camera, and when Mr Burns sees this, he demotes Homer back to his old job at the power plant. 

After Homer confronts Marge about her addiction, she realizes that she has a problem. She returns home and remembers what she had with her family. And Homer settles back into his job at the power plant. Mr. Burns, meanwhile, became a recluse, a germaphobe, once the casino opened and decides to return to the plant.

The casino is later demolished by an explosion. This was because of a mix-up behind the demolition crew in regards to setting it (it was supposed to be set for implosion).

[Simpsons Wiki; Wikipedia]

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