Canadian Blood Services Announces Immediate Need for Donors

The Canadian Blood Services announces there is an immediate need for donors from all communities to help grow the blood and plasma supply for patients in need this winter season.

Heavy snowfall, extreme cold and icy conditions in many parts of Canada have led to a shortfall of about 1,500 or ten per cent of expected blood and plasma collections. Continuing winter conditions illness may further impact collections, and the poor weather can also create an increase in trauma events and the demand for blood.

The Canadian Blood Services claim the national inventory of several blood types remains “far below optimal” according to a press release. 

“The national blood inventory has declined by over 35 per cent since the start of October. Currently, we have three or four days on hand of several blood types. The ideal inventory of fresh blood products is between five and eight days. We can and will turn this around and we need donors to fill all open appointments,” said Rick Prinzen, chief SC officer and vice president of Donor Relations for the Canadian Blood Services. “We are extremely grateful to the donors that regularly donate and also respond to these immediate needs. We also strongly encourage new donors to join Canada’s lifeline. Ensuring that the national supply meets patients’ needs over the coming weeks is an imperative for all of us. We also ask that donors, to the extent possible and reasonable, keep their appointments this week and throughout January.”

O-negative blood donors are especially needed as this blood type can be transfused to any patient. In times of emergency or for newborn patients, the universal blood type O-negative can make a lifesaving difference.

Same-day and open appointment slots are available at many donation events across Canadian. Book your appointment online at, on the GiveBlood app, or by calling 1 888 2 DONATE (1-888-236-6283).

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