Peterborough County OPP Rescue Oshawa Family Whose Car Battery Died While Checking Out Bears At Dump

From a Peterborough County OPP release today...


On August 7th, 2013 at approximately 11:30pm, Peterborough County OPP officers were dispatched to the Trent Lakes Township municipal dump on Crystal Lake Road for a broken down motor vehicle. An Oshawa family had driven to the dump to observe bears roaming around the municipal waste site searching for food.  When the family decided to leave, they realized that the battery to their van was dead. Further observations revealed that several bears were now standing around the perimeter of their van looking at them.
A cell phone call was placed to the OPP and officers accompanied a tow truck to the scene to stand by while the van’s battery was boosted. The family departed the scene without incident.
The public is reminded that although black bears are interesting to observe, they are large, powerful animals and extreme caution should always be used while in bear country.

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A Black Bear Entered A Home Near Burleigh Falls This Morning

From Peterborough County OPP release today...


(Galway-Cavendish-Harvey Twp., ON) – On Friday June 29, 2012 at approximately 4:50 A.M. officers from Peterborough County OPP responded to a complaint of a Bear in a Bolton’s Road home, west of Burleigh Falls.

A black bear had knocked the barbeque off of the deck and forced entry into the home through the screen door. The animal was rummaging through the kitchen when it woke the home’s occupants and was eventually scared off.

No persons were injured but the animal caused damage to the kitchen and an exterior door to the home.

Provincial Police remind residents and cottagers in all areas that bears forage for food primarily by using their keen sense of smell and they will investigate that smell even if it is coming from your home, cottage or camp.


    • Keep all perishable food in the refrigerator and off the counter.
    • Close and secure all ground level windows and doors
    • Fill bird feeders only during the late fall and winter months then store them in the spring and summer.

    • Put garbage in containers with tight fitting lids and only put it out on garbage days, not the night before.
    • Store garbage containers in bear resistant bins, sheds or garages but do not store outside in plywood boxes, old freezers or vehicles.

    • Do not stockpile garbage, take it to the dump frequently
    • Never leave garbage behind. If you must leave before garbage day or if you do not have pick-up, take your garbage with you when you go. Take it to the dump or local transfer station.
    • Keep meat scraps in the freezer until garbage day
    • Do not leave pet food outdoors. Feed pets indoors, not outside or in screened in areas or porches.
    • Remove grease and food residue from barbeque grills, including the grease cup underneath, after each use.
    • Do not put meat, fish or sweet food (including fruit) in your composter

    • Pick all ripe fruit off trees and remove vegetables and fallen fruit from the ground

Remember, you are responsible for your own personal safety. Take precautions when you are outdoors.

For Bear Problems contact: the Ministry of Natural Resources Bear Report Line at 1-866-514-2327


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