New Downtown Lofts Constructed From Old YMCA Building
/The old YMCA on the corner of George Street and Murray Street has finally been converted into upscale loft apartments in a private showing on Thursday.
Hans Jain, Atria president (far right) with staff members at The Black Horse Pub with the new YLofts building. Photo by David Tuan Bui
The lofts known as Y Lofts are owned and built by the Toronto-based company Atria, a development corporation. Hans Jain, Atria president along with staff hosted tours to media and community members with a luncheon at The Black Horse Pub.
Terry Guiel, Downtown Business Improvement Area executive director praised Jain for respecting and honouring the history of the city with YLofts. The building named several room models after familiar Peterborough names such as Chemong, Algonquin and Kawartha.
"They've done their research and show us that they care about this community," he said. "They're not coming in and saying, 'we're a big Toronto firm and come jump on us', they're saying, 'we want to be a part of your community.’"
YLofts occupy the old YMCA location which was first built in 1896. Photo by David Tuan Bui.