What's Happening This Weekend: Vince Bierworth's Bachelor Party Pub Crawl In Downtown Peterborough
/Photo by Julie Morris
Vince Bierworth—known for his What's Happening segments on KRUZ 100.5, The Wolf 101.5 and Chex Newswatch (and wakeboarding)—is getting married next weekend.
So this Saturday night (September 14th), he will be the star of a Bachelor Pub Crawl in our amazing downtown Peterborough. The night is produced and directed by his plaid King friend Ryan Lalonde.
Among the confirmed stops: The Black Horse, The Pig's Ear, The Red Dog, The Only, The Spill, The Red Garnet, Spankys, Shots, Aria, Champs, The Sapphire Room and Riley's. And there are sure to be much more as Peterborough has one of the best selection of bars anywhere.
If you see Vince out and about Saturday, make sure to wish him a happy Bachelor party and best wishes on his wedding. Though he might not remember.
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