After a 4-year hiatus, the TAS Dance Program was able to host their annual fundraising event in-person on Feb. 21.
“This year's event was extra special to us for a few reasons,” says TAS dance teacher Susie Clarke. “Due to the pandemic, we haven’t been able to host live performances, so filling a space with this many people and having them experience this as a collective, once again, has been so meaningful for all performers and audience members.”
The next reason, Clarke says, is getting to give back to the community.
“Traditionally, Sweet Charity funnels all proceeds to multiple local charities, as chosen by each participating dance organization. This year we collectively decided to channel all proceeds from the event to support the MacHart family,” she said.
Clarke says all participating organizations were in support of this, which TAS is “wholeheartedly grateful for.”
Riddick, Jon and Stefphanie MacHart were victims of a fatal accident on Hwy. 7 on the 22nd of November last year. Rowghan MacHart, the only survivor, was airlifted to SickKids hospital where she remains today.