Library Commons Selected As Name For New Simcoe Aylmer Square
/UPDATED POST (April 25th): More than 500 votes were cast by the public, and the name Library Commons won out with 186 votes. It will be the name for the City's Newest Public Space. Second place went to Firehouse Square and third place to Robertson Davies Square. When the square opens to the public, a plaque will be installed commemorating this community space and the name “Library Commons”.
The City of Peterborough is seeking community input to determine the name of the new Simcoe Aylmer Square being contructed adjacent to the Peterborough Public Library.
The City of Peterborough, together with LLF Lawyers—the naming right sponsor—invite the community to vote on the final name for the new public space located at the southwest corner of Simcoe and Aylmer Streets.
Rendering courtesy City of Peterborough
The project was developed in concert with the Library’s Main Branch renovation and expansion. The construction of the square adjacent to the library will create a vibrant place for people to gather in the heart of downtown Peterborough.
Photo courtesy Peterborough Libary