2024 PolarFest Running at Full Force For Selwyn Township

Winter has never been more fun for Selwyn Township, as the 2024 PolarFest is in full swing for three days, beginning this Friday and ending Sunday.

Photo courtesy of Selwyn Township.

The Opening Ceremony and Fireworks begin at 6:30 p.m. on Friday at Chemong Lodge. At 6:45 p.m., fireworks will be set off on Chemong Lake.

The Causeway is the host site for the Guns and Hoses Charity Hockey Game. Local police and fire service members will face off at 8 p.m. at the Ennismore Community Centre. The fundraiser aims to beat last year’s mark of $2,000 in food and money for the Bridgenorth and Lakefield Food Banks by bringing a non-perishable food item or cash donation.

On Saturday, the Lakefield Ice Sculpture Competition is back at Cenotaph Park. Ice carvings are going on display, created by professional chefs. Festival goers can vote for their favourite cultures between 9 a.m. and 3 p.m. The Top Carver is being crowned at The Loon at 5 p.m. Take a ride back in time as Chemong Lodge is hosting its third-annual 80’s Retro Apres Ski Party with a booze luge, DJ, ice bar and prizes for those best dressed from noon to 4 p.m..

On Sunday, the Bridgenorth-Ennismore-Lakefield (BEL) Rotary Polar Plunge begins at 2 p.m. on the Ennismore side of the Causeway. This year’s theme features ‘Barbie’ costumes.

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Local Entrepreneur To Open This Weekend's PolarFest With a Bang

As PolarFest begins its three-day event this weekend, Adam Brown, Chemong Lodge owner will have his business kick off the opening ceremonies with a fireworks display on Friday night.

Adam Brown, Chemong Lodge owner (left) with Charlie “Woodchuck” Andolek (right) with one of several ice sculptures. The pictured sculpture is incomplete but is a three-dimensional hockey goalie. Photo by Kirtus Evoy.

The event will run from Fri. to Sun. in several townships such as Selwyn, Lakefield and Bridgenorth. Scheduled events include a candlelight skate, ice sculpture show, pancake breakfast and a spaghetti dinner.

"It's an exciting weekend in the fact in the timing of some restrictions being lifted and that we're able to kick on with PolarFest," said Brown. "It's all the great things we can do outdoors and in our within our community and an opportunity to encourage people to get out."

The Lodge will have free coffee, hot chocolate and some treats available during the opening festivities. The fireworks are done by Supernova Fireworks.

The following is a list of events for PolarFest:


  • 7:30 p.m. - Outdoor Opening Ceremony - Chemong Lodge (764 Hunter St. Bridgenorth) - Kick off PolarFest lakeside with a fireworks show by Supernova Fireworks

  • 5:30 p.m. to 9:00 p.m. - Candlelight Skate (Ticketed Event) - Ontario Speed Skating Oval (3358 Lakefield Rd. Lakefield) - Hundreds of lights will guide your way around the Oval! Register for your time slot by visiting ontariospeedskatingoval.com


  • All Day - Ice Sculpture Show - Cenotaph Park (Bridge St. and Water St. Lakefield) Cenotaph Park will sparkle with exquisite ice sculptures by talented sculptors.

  • All Day - Ice People Ice Sculptures - Heritage Park (804 Ward St. Bridgenorth) Using ice from Chemong Lake, The Ice People will fill the park with ice sculptures.

  • 9:00 a.m to 11:00 a.m. - Drive-Thru Pancake Breakfast - Causeway Christian Assembly (1307 Yankee Line, Ennismore) - FREE

  • Noon to 3:00 p.m. - Nordic Day - Ontario Speed Skating Oval - Stop by Adventure Outfitters (1828 8th Line, Lakefield) to grab your equipment, head to the Oval and enjoy the trail groomed for cross country skiing and snowshoeing.

  • 5:00 p.m. to 7:00 p.m. - Drive-Thru Spaghetti Dinner - Bridgenorth United Church (832 Charles St. Bridgenorth) - Adults: $12 / Children 7 and under: $7

  • 5:30 p.m. to 9:00 p.m. - Candlelight Skate (Ticketed Event) - Hundreds of lights will guide your way around the Oval! Register for your time slot by visiting ontariospeedskatingoval.com.


  • All Day - Ice People Ice Sculptures - Heritage Park (804 Ward St. Bridgenorth) Using ice from Chemong Lake, The Ice People will fill the park with ice sculptures.

For a full schedule of events and details, click here.

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Township Of Selwyn PolarFest Ready To Make A Splash In February

Selwyn Townships annual PolarFest will happen Feb. 4 - 6.

File Photo.

PolarFest is an outdoor family fesetival hosted every year by the Township of Selwyn. This year due to COVID-19 there are some alterations, but the festival will still happen.

The Opening Ceremony fireworks will be hosted Lakeside at Chemong Lodge at 764 Hunter Street, Bridgenorth, on Feb. 4.

A free pancake breakfast will be hosted at the Causeway Christian Assembly (1307 Yankee Line, Ennismore) on Feb. 5. The event is free, but donations are welcome.

Ice sculptures will be on display at Cenotaph Park, Lakefield and Heritage Park, Bridgenorth. The Ice People of Bridgenorth, Ennismore and Lakefield will be on site at Heritage park on Feb. 5 and invite children to join them in creating their own ice sculptures.

Adventure Outfitters of Lakefield will be providing those interested the opportunity to experience a variety of Nordic Winter Sports. Those interested can visit Adventure Outfitters located at 1828 8th Line, Lakefield and be fitted for the proper equipment.

The speed skating oval in Lakefield will be open for use, as well as trails for cross country skiing and snoeshowing.

The Snowman Challenge will happen all weekend. Participants can build their own and post to Facebook using the hashtag #snowmanchallenge and #polarfest. A prize will be awarded to the best, most creative snowman.

For more events and details click here.

From Feb. 6 - 13 Bridgenorth-Ennismore-Lakefield Rotary will be hosting the 42nd Annual Polar Plunge virtually. The Polar Plunge raises funds for local charities and the Rotary Club. Donations are split evenly.

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Ontario Speed Skating Oval In Lakefield Hosting Candlelight Skate

Polarfest is hosting a candlelight skate this Saturday (February 3rd) from 6 p.m. to 9 p.m. at the Ontario Speed Skating Oval in Lakefield.

The light from hundreds of candles will guide your way around the 400 metre Oval.

Admission is free and rental speed skates are available.

Organizers recommend that you bring a flashlight to guide your way from the parking lot to the Oval site. For more info, go the event page or email them here.

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Look: Slideshow Of A Canoe Street Race In Lakefield

Here's a slideshow from the Polarfest Polar Paddle held in Lakefield this weekend.

[Contributed by PtboCanada's Evan Holt]

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