Peterborough Blogs
The Peterborough Roller Derby League Is Looking For More Players And A Permanent Location
/Photo via Roller derby's entry on WikipediaWith Roller derby being pitched to the Pan Am Games, the sport is growing like wildfire. Local teams are starting to pop up in the likes of Barrie, Haliburton, Toronto, Timmins—and now Peterborough.
Cindy Moffitt (aka "Lucid Lou" in the Roller derby world), recently founded the Peterborough Roller Derby League with help from Kim Firlotte (aka "Falldown Firlotte"). The first game is already booked, but they still need your help. They already have enough recruits to form a team, but are always looking for more players. "Even if you have no idea how to roller-skate, that's no problem," Moffitt told PtboCanada at a recent "meat and greet". Calling new recruits "fresh meat" sets the theme of roller derby, a fast paced full contact game on roller-skates. The only requirements are a helmet, mouth guard, knee pads, wrist guards, elbow pads and, of course, roller-skates (quad wheels only). To play, it costs $45 annually for insurance, $30 monthly and $20 to register.
While Peterborough Roller Derby will be training and practicing at the Peterborough Sport & Wellness Centre, they are looking for a more permanent location that has room for 8,000 to 10,000 square feet for their oval track. The derby is also looking for sponsors to sign up, and a local graphic artist to help them create a logo.
Moffitt was "stoked" at the attendance of the first meeting and has big plans for the club. "The sport is good for self esteem and confidence," she says. Connect with the Peterborough Roller Derby on Facebook.
[Written by PtboCanada's Evan Holt]
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