Shifting Gears Has Kicked Off

The 11th Annual Shifting Gears Workplace Transportation Challenge has kicked off. Shifting Gears is a month-long competition created to inspire Peterborough area employers, employees, and individuals to use active modes of commuting, such as walking and biking, as well as public transit and ride sharing.

“Shifting Gears is a long-standing community campaign that has a significant impact on employee travel behaviour during the month of May,” said Susan Sauvé, Transportation Demand Management Planner at the City of Peterborough. “There are many reasons to participate in Shifting Gears, both as an employer and an employee, with the benefits ranging from better personal health and air quality to lowered family transportation costs and reduced demand on parking spaces.”

Every employee can participate in Shifting Gears by signing up as an individual or through their workplace at Employees who participate in the program and log more than four car-free trips before May 14th will qualify for a rewards card that can be redeemed for great cycling and walking gear or a 10-trip transit pass. All participants also qualify for grand prizes, including the Grand Prize of a $750 gift certificate for Resorts of Ontario, and a free Student Car Share membership, with $10 of free drive time.

Shifting Gears is a program of GreenUP, the City of Peterborough, Wild Rock Outfitters, B!KE: the Peterborough Community Bike Shop, and Student Car Share.

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PtboPics: Free Bike Checkup Day

Peterborough Moves and Wild Rock were on hand yesterday across from City Hall to hand out maps of Peterborough trails and perform a free bike checkup.

[Contributed by PtboCanada's Evan Holt]

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