Free Two-Hour Holiday Parking For Downtown Peterborough In Effect Friday Until Dec. 31; Courtesy of Wolfe Lawyers

Parking at Downtown Peterborough is free for two hours after a sponsorship from Wolfe Personal Injury Lawyers beginning on Friday.

Photo bycourtesy of the City of Peterborough.

This includes all downtown municipal parking spaces such as on-street parking, municipal parking lots, the King Street Parking Garage and Simcoe Parking Garage.

The free two-hour holiday parking program continues until Dec. 31 to encourage people to shop locally.

Any parking fees are voluntary paid during this time at pay-and-display machines, parking meters or via the HotSpot App during the free two-hour period will be donated to Kawartha Food Share. The organization helps more than 8,900 people each month through its 36 member agencies including meal programs and food banks.

“It’s more important than ever to support and shop local. Wolfe Lawyers will continue to invest in local opportunities which give back to the citizens of our great community,” said, Bill Wolfe of Wolfe Lawyers. “Wolfe Lawyers proudly sponsor ‘the gift of parking’ to let you enjoy our many great stores and restaurants during the holiday season and we encourage people to support Kawartha Food Share with some form of donation to help those in need in our community.”

“The holidays lift our spirits and spark kindness and generosity for our family, friends and community,” said Councillor Joy Lachica “Come downtown to support local businesses, park free and help Kawartha Food Share bring food to those in need this season.”

“The holiday season is a perfect time to experience the vibrancy of downtown Peterborough. Free parking makes it easy to grab a coffee, to make a quick stop during the seasonal rush, and especially to support local businesses,” said Councillor Alex Bierk “Let's also remember that making a donation to Kawartha Food Share at a City parking machine is a great way to support those dealing with food insecurity during the holidays. I have witnessed first-hand the remarkable impact this organization has in our community.”

People who need more than two hours of parking are asked to park in the City’s surface lots or parking garages.

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Winter Parking Restrictions In Effect For Peterborough

Winter parking restrictions within Peterborough are in place beginning Friday until April 1 for winter road maintenance announced by the City on Friday.

Photo by David Tuan Bui.

Parking is prohibited on all City streets from 2 a.m. to 6 a.m. The fine for a violation is $25.

When snow-clearing operations are taking place, vehicles cannot park or stop on any City street. Snow clearing typically takes place between midnight and 8 a.m.

During snowstorms, vehicles must be removed from city streets throughout the day and/or evening. During snowstorms, free overnight parking is available in municipal parking garages and surface lots. Drivers can use the parking garage entrance ticket for a free ride home on Peterborough Transit.

The fine for a violation is $80 and the vehicle will be towed to one of two locations;

  • vehicles parked north of Parkhill Road will be towed to Milroy Park, 242 Milroy Dr.

  • vehicles south of Parkhill Road will be towed to Morrow Park, 171 Lansdowne St. W.

Vehicles must be picked up within 24 hours. All unclaimed vehicles will be towed to an impound yard at the owner’s expense.

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Simcoe Parking Garage to Reopen This Monday

The Simcoe Parking Garage is reopening this Monday at 6 a.m. after it received extensive renovations announced on Friday.

Photo by Luke Best.

From Monday to Aug. 2, parking in the garage is free.

A new parking control system has been installed and will be operational on Aug. 2.

In August, the new automated parking control system will be turned on and includes gates controlling entry and exit from the garage. The new system allows options for customers to pay for their parking.

Tickets must be validated before exiting garage by inserting them into the machine at the exit, that raises the gate arm.

Debit or credit card is accepted at the machine at the exit by inserting their ticket at the exit gate.

Payment machines are located in the garage where customers can pay before leaving. Customers using this option are advised to pay for their parking as they return to their vehicle before departing the parking garage. There is a 15-minute period provided after ticket validation to exit.

Cash payments are done by inserting their ticket at the new pay station located on the lower level by the elevators and the walkway to the transit platform. This station also accepts payment by debit or credit.

There is also a new pay station on Level 2A, near the rear stairwell, that accepts only debit or credit for paying for parking and validating parking tickets prior to exit.

Customers can also pay for their parking using their HotSpot account and HotSpot readers are provided on all pay stations for customers to activate the gates using their phones.

Monthly pass holders will be issued a new proximity card or be able to obtain an RFID tag to install on their windshields. The tag automatically opens the gates upon entry and exiting. The monthly permit must be active and renewed prior to the start of the following month in order to remain operative.

There will be a deposit required for the new proximity cards or RFID tags which will be refunded when the customer no longer requires a monthly parking pass.

Parking staff will be reaching out to current monthly pass holders to arrange for issuing the new cards or customers can call the Parking Division at 705-742-7777 ext, 2802 to purchase a monthly parking pass.

Parking rates and hours of service remain unchanged. Customers parking in the Simcoe Parking Garage and King Street Parkade receives their first hour of parking free of charge.

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Free Two Hour Parking Downtown Peterborough For The Holidays


Thanks to the DBIA and the City of Peterborough, our little annual holiday treat of 2 hours of free parking is happening until the end of December. Any money that is put in the meters will be donated to local charities. Be sure to shop local this holiday season in our amazing downtown.

[Contributed by PtboCanada's Evan Holt]

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