Episode 17: "PTBOCanada Live With Mike Judson" Podcast

Episode 17: "PTBOCanada Live With Mike Judson" Podcast

Sponsored post by Riley's & Ben Van Veen

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Episode 16: "PTBOCanada Live With Mike Judson" Podcast

Episode 16: "PTBOCanada Live With Mike Judson" Podcast

Sponsored post by Riley's

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Episode 15: "PTBOCanada Live With Mike Judson" Zoo Podcast!

Episode 15: "PTBOCanada Live With Mike Judson" Zoo Podcast!

Sponsored post by Riley's

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Episode 14: "PTBOCanada Live With Mike Judson" Podcast

Episode 14: "PTBOCanada Live With Mike Judson" Podcast

Promoted Post By Riley's

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Episode 13: "PTBOCanada Live With Mike Judson" Podcast

Judson & Gibb

Judson & Gibb

Episode 13 of PTBOCanada Live With Mike Judson is live! Episodes are filmed live to tape at Riley's Pub in downtown Peterborough on most Sunday afternoons from 3-ish to 4 pm-ish, and we love a live studio audience if you want to come down! We have an amp and sponsors and everything!

Episode 13 features Mike Judson in conversation with legendary local radio guy Gord Gibb and a great performance by the awesome The Griddle Pickers.

The Griddle Pickers

The Griddle Pickers

Some liner notes...

-Thanks to illustrator Jason Wilkins for coming down again and live illustrating the entire podcast. He soooooo rocks!
-Doh! We forgot to turn the cameras on for our opening bit with Mike Judson and Neil Morton. But you can still listen and look at pictures.

Watch the full show below (and in case you missed it, check out our first 12 episodes here)...

Read the stuff below Our guests include: Gord Gibb - http://gordongibb.com/ - yourkawarthaoldies.com/ - @GordoGibbo - http://www.1005freshradio.ca/gord-gibb/ Musical guest:The Griddle Pickers http://thegriddlepickers.com/ https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC0or8nlaCLltDS7Biyl0I0w http://music.cbc.ca/#!/artists/The-Griddle-Pickers The handsome Neil Morton David Koski - Production Assistant, Customer relations (No nugget) Thanks to our sponsors: Riley's Pub - http://rileyspeterborough.com/ Kawartha TV & Stereo - http://www.kawarthatv.com/ Theme music by Streetlight Social https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=W-IiB...

If you're interested in more info on our podcast whether it's joining us in the live studio audience, being a guest or being a show sponsor, email us!

Tip us at tips@ptbocanada.com. Follow us on TwitterPinterest and Instagram, and Like us on Facebook.

Episode 12: "PTBOCanada Live With Mike Judson" Podcast

Judson & Stover

Judson & Stover

Episode 12 of PTBOCanada Live With Mike Judson is live! Episodes are filmed live to tape at Riley's Pub in downtown Peterborough on most Sunday afternoons from 3-ish to 4 pm-ish, and we love a live studio audience if you want to come down! We have an amp and sponsors and everything.

Judson & Hurcomb

Judson & Hurcomb

Episode 12 features Mike Judson in conversation with The Wolf Morning Show host Dani Stover, music/fashion photographer/director Michael Hurcomb, and a great performance by Dylan Ireland from Express and Company



Some liner notes:

-Thanks to illustrator Jason Wilkins for coming down again and live illustrating the entire podcast. He rocks.
-Host Mike Judson wore shiny new pants again.
-The nachos were excellent. Again.
-We are off for March break so no taping March 15th. Back at Riley's March 22nd!

Watch the full show below (and in case you missed it, check out our first 11 episodes here)...

Read the stuff below. Our guests include: Dani Stover - Twitter @danigray - Podcast - https://soundcloud.com/broadcastpodcast - www.thewolf.ca/category/dani-stover-she-wolf/ Michael Hurcomb - Twitter @michaelhurcomb - www.michaelhurcomb.com/ Musical guest: Dylan Ireland - Twitter @ExpressandCo - https://www.facebook.com/ExpressAndCompany?ref=br_tf - www.expressandcompany.com The Sassy Nellie Oleson Thanks to our sponsors: Ben Van Veen Realty - http://www.buyandsellwithben.ca/ Riley's Pub - http://rileyspeterborough.com/ Kawartha TV & Stereo - http://www.kawarthatv.com/ Theme music by Streetlight Social https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=W-IiB...

If you're interested in more info on our podcast whether it's joining us in the live studio audience, being a guest or being a show sponsor, email us!

Tip us at tips@ptbocanada.com. Follow us on TwitterPinterest and Instagram, and Like us on Facebook.

Episode 11: "PTBOCanada Live With Mike Judson" Podcast

Episode 11: "PTBOCanada Live With Mike Judson" Podcast

Thanks to our sponsors this episode Riley's & Ben vanVeen

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Episode 10: "PTBOCanada Live With Mike Judson" Podcast

Mike Judson and Tyler Calver

Mike Judson and Tyler Calver

Episode 10 of PTBOCanada Live With Mike Judson is live! Episodes are filmed live to tape at Riley's Pub in downtown Peterborough on most Sunday afternoons from 3-ish to 4 pm-ish, and we love a live studio audience if you want to come down! 

Artist Jason Wilkins illustrating podcast (photo Maryam Monsef)

Artist Jason Wilkins illustrating podcast (photo Maryam Monsef)

Episode 10 features Mike Judson in conversation with former CHEX Sports Anchor Tyler Calver, who recently moved to Kitchener to take on a position with a CTV affiliate. Calver talks about what Peterborough means to him, and what an amazing unique community it is.

Benj Rowland from Mayhemingways (and a tiny fan at right)

Benj Rowland from Mayhemingways (and a tiny fan at right)

Our production assistant Koski

Our production assistant Koski

The episode also features an awesome performance by the Mayhemingways, and a chat with Koski about his next big thing.

Illustrator Jason Wilkins also came down and live illustrated the entire podcast, which was a lot of fun.

Watch the full show below (and in case you missed it, check out our first nine episodes here)...

Read the stuff below. Our guests include: Tyler Calver - Twitter @TylerCalver Musical guest: Mayhemingways - Song: Wanderers Twitter - @MAYHEMINGWAYS https://mayhemingways.wordpress.com/ https://www.facebook.com/pages/Mayhemingways/298949180220391 The decadent Neil Morton David Koski - Production Assistant, Customer relations (Full nugget) Thanks to our sponsors: Riley's Pub - http://rileyspeterborough.com/ Kawartha TV & Stereo - http://www.kawarthatv.com/ Theme music by Streetlight Social https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=W-IiB...

Tip us at tips@ptbocanada.com. Follow us on TwitterPinterest and Instagram, and Like us on Facebook.

Episode 9: "PTBOCanada Live With Mike Judson" Podcast

The cast of Art for Awareness "RENT"

The cast of Art for Awareness "RENT"

Episode 9 of PTBOCanada Live With Mike Judson is live! Episodes are filmed live to tape at Riley's Pub in downtown Peterborough on most Sunday afternoons from 3-ish to 4 pm-ish, and we love a live studio audience if you want to come down! 

Mike Judson & Lynn Zimmer

Mike Judson & Lynn Zimmer

Episode 9 features an amazing performance from Art For Awareness's cast of Rent performing "Seasons of Love". Rent plays at Showplace February 20th to 28th.

Host Mike Judson also interviews Lynn Zimmer, Executive Director of the YWCA, in a conversation all men and women should watch and share. It raises a lot of talking points for this community and beyond.

Watch the full show below (and in case you missed it, check out our first eight episodes here)...

Our guests include: Executive Director, YWCA Lynn Zimmer www.YWCAPtbo.org @YWCAPtbo @WalkAMilePtbo RENT Musical Director Brian MacDonald Actor - RENT- Carl Johann Musical Guests - The entire cast of RENT RENT is at www.showplace.org from Feb 20th - 28th, 2015! The handsome Neil Morton David Koski - Nowhere to be seen.

If you're interested in more info on our podcast whether it's joining us in the live studio audience, being a guest or being a show sponsor, email us!

All our video PTBOCanada podcasts are housed here and our Soundcloud channel is here.

Tip us at tips@ptbocanada.com. Follow us on TwitterPinterest and Instagram, and Like us on Facebook.

Episode 8: "PTBOCanada Live With Mike Judson" Podcast

Judson with Dan O'Toole

Judson with Dan O'Toole

Episode 8 of PTBOCanada Live With Mike Judson is live. Episodes are filmed live to tape at Riley's Pub in downtown Peterborough on most Sunday afternoons from 3-ish to 4 pm-ish, and we love a live studio audience if you want to come down! 

Police Chief Murray Rodd

Police Chief Murray Rodd

We had another great audience out for Episode 8. Host Mike Judson interviewed Peterborough native Dan O'Toole, renowned sports anchor who is the Co-Host of Fox Sports Live on FS1. Dan was in town—he lives in LA—as campaign honourary chairperson for Pink in the Rink.

Judson also has a great conversation with Peterborough Police Chief Murray Rodd that you don't want to miss. Our musical guest is the talented singer/songwriter/entertainer James Higgins.  Scroll down below to watch the episode...

James Higgins

James Higgins

Watch the full show below (and in case you missed it, check out our first seven episodes here)...

Read the stuff below. Our guests include: Dan O'Toole - @fs1otoole Peterborough Police Chief Murray Rodd - @PtboPolice Musical guest: James Higgins - @jameshiggins The handsome Neil Morton David Koski - Production Assistant, Customer relations (No nugget) Thanks to our sponsors: Riley's Pub - http://rileyspeterborough.com/ Kawartha TV & Stereo - http://www.kawarthatv.com/ Maars Music - http://www.maarsmusic.com/ Theme music by Streetlight Social https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=W-IiB...

If you're interested in more info on our podcast whether it's joining us in the live studio audience, being a guest or being a show sponsor, email us!

All our video PTBOCanada podcasts are housed here and our Soundcloud channel is here.

Tip us at tips@ptbocanada.com. Follow us on TwitterPinterest and Instagram, and Like us on Facebook.