UPDATED POST: Help PTBO The Cat Find A New Home

UPDATE (November 22nd): Great news, PTBO The Cat has found his forever home. Here's an update from Brianna:

"We have had an overwhelming response of people wishing to bring #PtboTheCat into their home. I have some amazing and exciting news to share. He has found his forever home and is already settling in! #PtboTheCat is now called Buddy and has a very loving family."



Peterborough's Brianna Gosselin—who is constantly helping get the word out about missing and injured pets in the community—has encountered a rather unique situation, and she needs your help regarding an affectionate, beautiful stray cat we'll call PTBO...

PTBO The Cat

PTBO The Cat

As Brianna explains:

"I was doing some computer work a little past midnight and kept hearing all this meowing. I had just seen a group of older teens go by so I waved it off as them just having some silly fun.

Well, the meowing continued, so I went out to investigate. I looked up and down the street and found nothing. Our neighbours were out looking too for they were concerned an animal was crying from being injured. As we were talking, a small cat (a 6-8 month old kitten to be exact) came wandering over. I picked him up after he sniffed me over to check him out. He had a bit of diarrhea. I called my sister and we took him to the vet immediately as he was a bit thin and worried about dehydration.

The vet has confirmed he is a stray and a young cat being around 6-8 months, since his adult teeth look like they just came in. He was dehydrated and received care for sure. He has been treated with fleas and is on a special pro biotic along with a liquid to help with his digestion and stomach upset. The vet says besides that he is in good health.

I need to find this beautiful little boy a home as my dog does not get along with cats, and my partner and I are both allergic. My sister just rescued two cats in September and also has a dog so her house is a bit full at the moment. Do you know of anyone who could help find this sweetheart a home? He is the most affectionate cat I have ever seen."

If you're interested in taking in PTBO The Cat, email Brianna here. We'll update you if PTBO gets a new forever home.

Engage with us on social media on Twitter, Instagram and Facebook. Write to us at tips@ptbocanada.com.
