PRHC Receives New MRI Machine and Critical Infrastructure Upgrades

A new MRI machine is being invested into the Peterborough Regional Health Centre (PRHC) from the Ontario Government to address wait times for diagnostic imaging announced Wednesday.

Photo Courtesy of PRHC.

A payment of $101,023 from the Health Infrastructure Renewal Fund will support upgrades and repairs to emergency infrastructure.

“This new MRI machine will save thousands of trips to other communities each year with local residents being able to access this health service right here in Peterborough,” said MPP Dave Smith. “Fewer trips for families to Toronto or Kingston for health care saves money in gas and meals while reducing travel time and the impact on the environment.”

Over the last 10 years, the demand for MRI services has increased on average by approximately four per cent annually and wait times have got longer with 54 per cent of cases completed within target wait times in 2013-14 to 39 per cent of cases completed within target in 2019-2020.

“Since 2017, the demand for MRI services at PRHC has continued to increase. In fact, outpatient MRI requests have increased 53% from 2017 to 2021. The addition of a second MRI at PRHC will not only improve access to care closer to home for our patients, it will decrease wait times and offer modern, leading-edge MRI technology for patients in our community and region,” said Dr. Peter McLaughlin, PRHC President and CEO, PRHC. “I am thrilled that PRHC is among those hospitals across Ontario to receive funding for a new MRI machine as part of this investment.”

This new investment brings additional MRI service to Peterborough making it easier for patients to receive the care they need closer to home. It is part of the government’s $30 million investment in the 2021 Budget to support MRI services for patients and add new MRI machines to hospitals across the province.

“Our government made a commitment to end hallway health care, and that includes ensuring that patients have access to high-quality MRI services,” said Christine Elliott, Deputy Premier and Minister of Health. “By providing hospitals with annual investments to support net new MRI machines, our government is helping to ensure that these vital services are available patients now and in the future.”

The Ontario Government is investing up to $324 million in new funding to enable Ontario’s hospitals and community health sector to perform more surgeries, MRI and CT scans and procedures including on evenings and weekends according to the press release.

The 2021 Budget, Ontario's Action Plan: Protecting People's Health and Our Economy, outlined a total of $1.8 billion in additional investments for hospitals in 2021-22.

This includes funding to create more than 3,100 additional hospital beds to increase capacity. There is an increase of $778 million in operating funding to ensure all publicly funded hospitals will receive a minimum one per cent increase to help them keep pace with patient needs and to increase access to high-quality care for patients and families across Ontario as stated in the press release.

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PRHC Needs Your Help With The Following Much-Needed Protective Equipment & Supplies

As the COVID-19 pandemic continues to evolve, Peterborough Regional Health Centre (PRHC) and the PRHC Foundation have been overwhelmed by messages of thanks and support from our community.

To ensure community efforts are focused where they are most needed at this critical time, PRHC is asking the community to follow these steps when considering how they can contribute:

1. At this time, PRHC is accepting donations of the following much-needed personal protective equipment (PPE) items and supplies:

  • N95 masks

  • Procedure masks

  • Procedure masks with visors

  • Hand sanitizer (any free-standing, 70% alcohol foam sanitizer)

  • Full face shields with foam

Organizations and individuals who have any of the above supplies on-hand and wish to donate them should visit the PRHC PPE Drive webpage or email

Public Health Nurse Simone Jackson wearing PPE (personal protective equipment) as she prepares to open a swab to test a patient in our clinic for COVID-19. (Photo courtesy Peterborough Public Health)

2. At this time, due to the nature of COVID-19, the hospital is unable to accept donations of:

  • Handmade masks

  • Food/drink for hospital staff (until further notice)

Photo courtesy PRHC

3. Anyone who wants to contribute to the hospital’s efforts during the COVID-19 pandemic is encouraged to make a donation to the PRHC Foundation in support of critical investments in lifesaving equipment and technology, and supports for patients and frontline healthcare workers. Donors can also send a special thank you message to PRHC’s doctors, nurses and staff. Visit or call 705-876-5000.

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