The Comeback Kid: Mike Fisher Comes Out Of Retirement, Returns To Smashville

Peterborough's Mike Fisher had an incredible season with the Nashville Predators last year, captaining the team to within two games of the Stanley Cup.

It would appear he has unfinished business. Yes, Fisher is coming out of retirement for the remainder of the season and is hoping to help lead Smashville to another Stanley Cup run this year (the Preds are currently 3rd place in the Western Conference).

The 37-year-old inspired Smashville with his leadership, grit and poise on and off the ice, and his return is huge for the team and NHL fans—none of whom saw this coming, not even his close friends.

"When Mike called to tell me he was going back, I said, 'Yeah right, they don't need an old man like you,'" his buddy Patrick McAuley tells PTBOCanada. "I thought he was trying to be funny. Once I was convinced he wasn't joking, I was really excited for him. He's a great example for people that hard work and dedication pays off."

The Preds tweeted out the news Wednesday (January 31st)...

Fisher says this will 100 percent be his last season and "he's all in", with a shot at another Hollywood ending—a Stanley Cup—within reach.

"Mike is a great leader, someone you can rely on and look up to," adds McAuley. "I'm honoured to call him a friend and can't wait to see if he can help the team to a Stanley Cup."

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Mike Fisher's Stanley Cup Run Made Peterborough Proud

Peterborough's Mike Fisher had an incredible season with the Nashville Predators, captaining the team to within two games of winning the Stanley Cup.

Picture via Darling Insurance

The veteran not only inspired Smashville with his leadership, grit and poise on and off the ice, but Peterborough kids who look up to him...

Watch this video with a boy in Peterborough wearing his jersey... 

And students at Ridpath in Lakefield who cheered him on...

And Mrs. Johnston's grade 3/4 class at R.F. Downey with their "Go Fish Go!" signs...

Mike Fisher showed youth if you dream big and work hard, anything can happen.

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The Glorious Local Connection On Nashville's Run To Stanley Cup Finals

Unless you've been living under a rock lately—and we do know there are some really nice rocks in our area—you'll have heard by now that the Nashville Predators, Captained by Mike Fisher, are on their way to the Stanley Cup Final for the first time in franchise history.

What you might not know is the other epic local connection to the Predators: WWE NXT Champ Bobby Roode—who lives in Peterborough when he's not on the road—and his Glorious Domination theme song have been rocking the Preds and their fans throughout the playoffs.

The #Glorious movement is legitimately sweeping the social media Nation in all of its gloriousness, and fans are taking notice outside of the pro wrestling world.

Seriously, search #Glorious and #Preds and you'll find just as many hockey references now as you'll find wrestling references, as hockey (and beyond) starts to adopt this great theme song and hashtag of Roode's.

Nashville—aka "Smashville"—has become a hockey hotbed and if you're going to see a game live anywhere, it's pretty much unmatched in terms of atmosphere. Adding in anthem singers like Carrie Underwood, Keith Urban and Kelly Clarkson bring the crowd to life—and Bobby Roode's theme song keeps the crowd on their feet!

Even more meta-Peterborough, Dan O'Toole did this tweet a couple weeks ago...

If the #Glorious ride continues and the Predators win The Cup, we may know a couple guys who might show up to the parade.

By Aaron Elliott

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