Mayor Jeff Leal Makes Statement Regarding Expected Drag Queen Story Time Protest at Peterborough Public Library

City of Peterborough Mayor Jeff Leal and Peterborough Public Library board chair Dan Moloney have issued the following statements regarding protests at the Peterborough Public Library Drag Queen Story Time event on Feb. 25.

betty baker addressing fans outside the peterborough public library after drag queen story time on Jan. 14. photo by felicia massey.

“The City of Peterborough supports providing an inclusive, safe community for all residents. We strongly reject any act that incites hate in the community against any particular group. Thank you to the Peterborough Public Library for promoting an inclusive community, offering programming for all residents,” Mayor Jeff Leal stated.

The Drag Queen Story Time event will feature local drag queen Betty Baker sharing some of her favourite stories around the themes of diversity, inclusion and respect.

“The Library Board supports the Library in its endeavours to educate and support inclusivity. We are behind the Library staff and the offering of Drag Queen Story Time,” Library Board Chair Dan Moloney stated.

The City of Peterborough is a member of the Coalition of Inclusive Municipalities. Member municipalities must advance initiatives to:

  1. Improve their practices for social inclusion

  2. Establish policies to eradicate racism and discrimination

  3. Promote human rights and diversity 

The Peterborough Police Service provides an online reporting tool for reporting hate/bias incident.

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Peterborough Celebrates Projects That Receive Funding From Ontario Lottery and Gaming Corporation

Ontario Lottery and Gaming Corporation (OLG) provided $1,588,620 to the City of Peterborough in Fiscal Year 2022 as its share of gaming revenue; receiving $8,687,987 since the gaming site opened in October 2018.

photo courtesy of the city of peterborough.

Mayor Jeff Leal met with Ontario Lottery and Gaming and Great Canadian Entertainment, which operates Shorelines Casino Peterborough, at Quaker Foods City Square on Friday to recognize how the funding is being used in the community.

“The Province shares its gaming revenues to support municipal investments in community infrastructure. By investing the OLG revenue in facilities such as the refrigerated outdoor skating rink for residents to enjoy throughout the winter and family-friendly splash pads for summertime fun, the City is enhancing the quality of life and wellbeing for the community,” says Mayor Jeff Leal.

The City used $677,909 from its OLG revenue to help pay for the construction of Quaker Foods City Square, which is a family-friendly community space that includes a refrigerated outdoor skating rink in the winter and water play features in the summer. The City has also used OLG revenue to support building new splash pads, its contribution toward the construction of the Canadian Canoe Museum, Central Area Community Improvement Plan initiatives, and the expansion of the City’s trails and cycling network.

In 2023, the City plans to use $1.8 million from the OLG revenue to invest in the City’s urban forest, including tree planting and maintaining the health of the community’s urban forest canopy.

“OLG is proud to be a vital part of Peterborough for more than 4 years and we look forward to continuing to build on that support. Each and every year 100 per cent of OLG profits are invested in Ontario,” says Kathleen Devine, OLG’s senior municipal relations manager. “From healthcare, to education, to community festivals, OLG’s profits are hard at work in Peterborough and all across our province. And, we appreciate the contribution of gaming site employees at Shorelines Casino Peterborough in making life in Peterborough that much richer. When you play at an Ontario casino, you play for Ontario.”

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Peterborough Mayor Jeff Leal Proclaims February As Black History Month

City of Peterborough Mayor Jeff Leal has proclaimed February as Black History Month, issuing the below statement on Wednesday.

photo courtesy of the city of peterborough.

“On behalf of the City of Peterborough, it is my pleasure to recognize February as Black History Month,” begins Mayor Leal.

“Black Canadians have made significant contributions to the development and betterment of our community throughout our City’s history. During Black History Month, we celebrate the many achievements and contributions of these residents to the economic, cultural, and political life of our community and our country,” he says.

“Peterborough is a growing and increasingly diverse community. In 2021, almost 10 per cent of our residents identified as a member of racialized group, up from 6 per cent in 2016, with about 1.5 per cent identifying as Black. This diversity is a source of strength. Inclusive communities that embrace their diversity are more innovative, creative, dynamic, resilient, and prosperous,” says Mayor Leal.

“In 2019, City Council approved the City of Peterborough becoming a member of the Coalition of Inclusive Municipalities. Member municipalities must advance initiatives to improve their practices for social inclusion, establish policies to eradicate racism and discrimination, and promote human rights and diversity,” he continues.

“Throughout February and all year long, I encourage all residents to learn more, to recognize, and celebrate the many important contributions of Black Canadians to the growth and development of our community and country,” Mayor Leal concludes.

For more on Mayor Leal’s statement, visit the City of Peterborough website.

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