Lansdowne Street West Temporarily Closed Due to Water Main Break

Lansdowne Street West closed between Monaghan Road and High Street until late Monday afternoon.

peterborough utilities logo

The busy east-west artery has been closed to traffic Monday due to a water main break.

In a post on X, Peterborough Transit advised it would detour the following routes due to the closure:

  • 7W - Lansdowne, Park, Braidwood, Monaghan, McKellar, Erskine, Lansdowne.

  • 8 - Monaghan, Chamberlain, High, McKellar, Monaghan (same in reverse for northbound)

In a media release, Peterborough Utilities advises customers in the area may experience low water pressure and that emergency access is not available.

In an update after 3 p.m. Monday, Peterborough Utilities stated the water main break is now under control, although the estimated timeline to complete the work is between 6-8 hours.

It goes on to add, the break has caused a large demand on the system and it will take time for the system to settle after the repair is complete.

It’s advising customers to run their cold water tap for approximately 10 minutes until clear if their water appears discoloured.

Residents with questions are asked to call Peterborough Utilities customer service at 705-748-6900.

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Public Input Sought in Lansdowne Street West Operational Improvement Project

The City of Peterborough is undertaking an operational and safety improvement project for Lansdowne Street West from the intersection of Spillsbury Drive/Kawartha Heights Boulevard, to the intersection of Clonsilla Avenue.

Photo Courtesy of The City of Peterborough

Photo Courtesy of The City of Peterborough

The project is being undertaken in general accordance with the recommendations set out in the approved Environmental Study Report (ESR) for Lansdowne Street West completed in 2012.

The general goals of the project are to:

  • Improve traffic flow, vehicle safety, and driveway access by constructing a centre two-way left-turn lane;

  • Improve the lane arrangements at the Spillsbury Drive/Kawartha Heights Boulevard and Clonsilla Avenue intersections;

  • Improve pedestrian, cyclist and vehicular safety;

  • Add / improve pedestrian and cyclist facilities, including off-street multi-use trails on both the north and south sides of the roadway; and,

  • Improve access to commercial and residential properties within the corridor.

Through the Connect Peterborough website those interested can view the project scope and plans, additional project information and resources, and provide any questions and feedback through the online question engagement tool.

The project team will review and evaluate the feasibility of all feedback received through Connect Peterborough as it considers changes to the project plan.

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Lansdowne West Is Preparing for A New Plaza

Lansdowne Street West has churned up some soil in preparation for a new plaza. At the corner of Spillsbury Drive and Lansdowne St. W., tucked just behind Discount Car and Truck Rentals, there is a new 2.5 acre commercial plaza site slated to go in. This area has been approved for businesses such as a bank, restaurant, salon or gym.

[Contributed by PtboCanada's Evan Holt]

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Guess The Restaurant Going In New Lansdowne Plaza


The new plaza on Lansdowne Street that already has an RBC, Popeyes and Hakim Optical going in will soon have a new restaurant.

So far, we know that it will have a liquor licence, and here's the floor plan. Can you guess which restaurant it will be? Or that you'd like it to be?


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