“The staff here at St. Patrick are incredible—they all have special gifts, so my role in many ways is to empower them to go out and explore their gifts to the fullest,” Mrs. Leal says. “And because of that, we have the ability to offer an incredible wide range of opportunities for our students.”
Under Mrs. Leal’s leadership, St. Patrick has been recognized as a gold-level Ontario EcoSchool and the school offers a wide-range of extracurricular activities for students such as a robotics club, math and problem-solving teams, school musicals, talent shows, spelling bees, public speaking competitions, Skills Ontario teams (robotics, videography and cardboard boats) and an array of sporting opportunities.
Mrs. Leal also helps organize the school’s annual Christmas hamper campaign, where gifts and food are collected and hand-delivered to underprivileged families in the community.
Those who nominated Mrs. Leal talked about her ability to inspire students and staff alike, her collaboration with the local parish and parent communities, and her strive to create a welcoming, inclusive school environment where students have ample access to technology.