Photos: Immaculate Conception School Raises Over $10,000 for Cancer Research
/Staff and students at Immaculate Conception CES celebrated raising $10,638.24 for cancer research in memory of Melissa Hinze.

The school honours beloved mother Melissa Hinze, who passed away on May 11, 2022 after her six-year battle with cancer. All photos by Felicia Massey.
Mr. Sawada braces for the big chop.
Students Finn and Giovanni getting their heads shaved.
The Alderson’s posing before shaving Mr. Alderson’s hair.
Adam Murray of Murrdog’s Craft Barbery touching up Mr. Sawada’s new ‘do.
Many hands do God's work. #Ptbo #PVNCserves
— Mitch Champagne (@MitchChampagne) October 7, 2016
A whole lot of love for @JohnnyReid @PtboMemCentre tonight. Crowd is singing and dancing with #johnny. #PMCRocks
— Ptbo Memorial Centre (@PtboMemCentre) March 23, 2016
The @PtboMemCentre is lit up! #Ptbo
— Mitch Champagne (@MitchChampagne) March 23, 2016
Johnny Reid with Immaculate Conception
Today I'm going to try and save the world.
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