Hike for Hospice Wraps up Annual Fundraiser With Over $66,000 Raised

Hike for Hospice’s 19th annual fundraiser that ran from Sept. 11-17, exceeded its goal of $40,000 by raising $66,000 announced Thursday.

Manager of Residence at Hospice Peterborough, Jeannette, hikes with friends. Photo courtesy of Hospice Peterborough.

Manager of Residence at Hospice Peterborough, Jeannette, hikes with friends. Photo courtesy of Hospice Peterborough.

The goal shattered last year’s amount of $56,538.

This was the second consecutive year that the Hike was held virtually and 16 local teams made up of 133 registered participants hiked, walked, ran and cycled at the location of their choosing after collecting pledges.

There were 450 pledges made on the Hospice Peterborough donation site.

“We are so grateful that our teams pulled through for us again this year in another virtual Hike,” says Hospice Peterborough executive director Hajni Hős. “Thanks to our generous community, including individuals, teams and corporate sponsors, we can continue to offer our programs and services free of charge to anyone who needs our help.”

The funds support 26 programs and services including a bereaved parents support group, day hospice, palliative navigation, groups for children and teens and a 10-bed end-of-life residence.

Hospice also offers community education events including workshops and seminars, about issues such as end-of-life medication or advance-care planning to help people decide in advance who can be their decision-maker if they are unable to speak for themselves.

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Hike for Hospice Peterborough On Their Way to Meet Fundraising Goal

Hospice Peterborough’s Hike For Hospice event already raised over $30,000 since it started on Saturday for its one-week campaign.

Image courtesy of Hospice Peterborough

Image courtesy of Hospice Peterborough

Due to COVID-19 this year’s event is being held virtually and started with a live stream of the opening ceremonies. Participants are encouraged to walk, hike or bike at their convenience from Sept. 11-17.

Hike for Hospice 2021 wants to raise $40,000, 73 per cent of that goal has already been met.

Prize winners were announced for the early bird registration and the t-shirt decorating contest on Tuesday

Wednesday they will hold a day of remembrance and Thursday participants will be invited to share who they are hiking for.

The event will end on Friday with a closing ceremony.

Participants are encouraged to share their stories, photos, videos, and fundraising ideas on the Hike for Hospice Facebook page or send them to Aimée at aoreilly@hospicepeterborough.org.

To sponsor an individual or a team click here.

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Virtual Hike For Hospice Registration Open Now

Registration is now open for the 2021 Virtual Hike for Hospice fundraiser.

Photo courtesy of Hospice Peterborough

Photo courtesy of Hospice Peterborough

Virtual Hike for Hospice is an event meant to connect families, friends, neighbours, and coworkers to support and recognize the palliative and bereavement struggles of individuals and families.

This year’s Hike will encourage participants to go for a walk, hike or bike at a time that works best for them between September 11-17, 2021.

An opening ceremony is planned for September 11 at 10a.m, and will be available to view on the Hike for Hospice Facebook, and YouTube.

Participants are encouraged to share their stories, photos, videos, and fundraising ideas on the Hike for Hospice Facebook page or send them to Aimée at aoreilly@hospicepeterborough.org.

The last day of the virtual hike will feature a closing ceremony to honour loved ones and thank participants.

Participants are invited to register individually or as a team by following this link.

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Hike For Hospice In Peterborough Raised Over $80,000

On Sunday, May 6th, Peterborough joined communities from across Canada to raise awareness and celebrate hospice palliative care at the 16th Annual Hike for Hospice.

Locally, more than 700 people came out in the beautiful sunshine to show their support for people in this community living with life-threatening illness and grief. The generosity of hikers, volunteers, donors and sponsors raised more than $80,000 for hospice palliative and bereavement care in our community.

Hikers gathered in Millennium Park for a memory stone ceremony, strolled to Rogers Cove in East City to enjoy ice cream courtesy of Central Smith, followed by for a delicious barbeque lunch in Millennium Park sponsored by Montana’s Cookhouse.

Hikers were also treated to coffee and tea donated by Silver Bean Café and cold water from Culligan. Children enjoyed face painting by Faces by 2 and amazing balloon creations by Razberry the Clown, while canine friends were treated to lots of biscuits donated by Village Pet Food & Supply.

“Our Hike has become a family tradition, a time to share memories, to honour loved ones and offer support for the work we do," says Linda Sunderland, Executive Director of Hospice Peterborough. "We are so humbled by the generosity of our community. Peterborough truly is the perfect example of people helping people."

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A Look At The Inspiring Hike For Hospice Event Taking Place May 3rd

A Look At The Inspiring Hike For Hospice Event Taking Place May 3rd

Great day for a greater cause...

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