When An Owl Hit His Car Sunday Night, A Peterborough Man Put It In His Car & Took It To Vet

Karl Lawson—aka "Kawartha Karl"—felt a thud on Sunday night (January 21st) driving home to Peterborough from Lakefield. Turns it was an owl which obviously had its bell rung hitting Karl's car.

Crash The Owl

Rather than keep going, Karl stopped his vehicle immediately and did this as he recounted on his Facebook page (accompanied by the photo above):

"This a my new friend 'Crash the Owl' who flew into my drivers door late last night on my way home from Lakefield. I pulled over and went back to take him off the middle of the road only to find him unconscious but still breathing with a mouse still in his talons.

So I decided to put him in my trunk and then contacted Kawartha Veterinary Emergency Clinic (24hrs!) and they told me to bring him to there office. When the young lady came out to the car I told her that he may have died in the 20 minutes it took to get there. To my delight when I popped the trunk he was sitting up!

I checked today and Crash was dropped at a sanctuary somewhere near Whitby he is injured but they said he was moving both wings today so they are pretty confident in his recovery..so I will let you know if I hear anymore on his fate. Did I mention that I love owls."

Good on ya Kawartha Karl!

[HT 100.5 Fresh Radio]

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