DBIA Featured Post: Charlotte Paint & Wallpaper


When looking to spruce up a living space or create an all new feel, often people look to their walls to make that new impression. Charlotte Paint and Wallpaper have been helping the people of Peterborough with this idea now for over 33 years. Locally owned and operated by Ann Spivey and Ken Wood, the store is very focused at bringing in specific premium products and delivering educated service that is second to none in the community.

Now located at 451 George St., the store was a mainstay on Charlotte St up until just recently when it was decided that a new Shoppers Drug Mart would take up their old location. Not letting that get in the way, Charlotte Paint stayed in the downtown core and have created a beautiful new spot that they’ve called home now for just over a year and a half.

Charlotte Paint is a Benjamin Moore Paints superstore, offering just about every type of paint and product that they create. Like their name says, they also offer premium wallpapers and other wall covering ideas to help you create a welcome space in your home, office, cottage or wherever you so choose!


When the move came about just over a year and a half ago, it was an easy decision to stay downtown. Having such a long history in the area, Charlotte Paint wanted to keep the mom and pop feel they‘ve created.

They have a very loyal customer base which is always growing, and being downtown for many years has allowed Charlotte Paint to create lasting relationships with many people and local businesses who love dealing with their knowledgeable staff. Ken and Ann are both on the floor assisting customers regularly and enjoy they dynamics of downtown business life. As local shop owners, living within walking distance of the store themselves, they love the support they are given and enjoy supporting others around them—often donating to great community causes.

So, if your living space is in need of a change, look to Charlotte Paint & Wallpaper as a great place to invest for that. Even the simplest of colour changes can make a world of difference. They are your local wall decorators in the heart of downtown.

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For more on Charlotte Paint & Wallpaper (451 George St.), go to:

Website: Charlotte Paint & Wallpaper

Phone: 705-743-5742

For more on Downtown Peterborough and the Downtown Business Improvement Area (DBIA), click here.

By Aaron Elliott
