How The Team At Riverview Park & Zoo Is Working To Save An Injured Reindeer's Eye

Aurora the Reindeer came to the Riverview Park & Zoo in the fall of 2013 when she was just 6 months old. She has been a fixture at the zoo since then, delighting kids and parents alike.

But Aurora, now 4 and a half years old, has suffered a serious eye injury—the zoo suspects she was injured by one of the other reindeer's antlers, as they can be a little feisty with each other at times. 

The zoo team works to save Aurora's eye

"When we noticed her injury, we corralled her into one of the holding buildings in the exhibit where she was sedated by one of our consulting veterinarians," Zoo manager and curator Jim Moloney tells PTBOCanada. "We then moved her to the Animal Health Centre here at the Zoo."

The injury was severe when they began treatment, Moloney tells PTBOCanada:

"Her eye had been somewhat dislodged and was protruding significantly from her eye socket. Consulting Veterinarians Dr. Sallaway and Dr. Cranfield were able to carefully return it to its normal position. They also flushed the eye and have taken precautions to keep it in place as well as to prevent infection."

Now it's a bit of a waiting game to see if Aurora's eye will heal properly, and whether she will regain her vision.

"There is a chance that there will be some permanent damage to her vision, but it is difficult to tell at this point," says Moloney. "We will have a better idea once she has had a chance to heal."

At this time, Aurora remains in the Animal Heath Centre—probably until next week—and has been having daily examinations/treatment by the Animal Care Team.

Our prayers to Aurora.

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