Special Curbside Green Waste Collection Underway After May Storm

A special curbside green waste collection to collect debris from the storm on May 21 that is too large for the City’s regular green waste collection service is now underway.

Photo courtesy of The City of Peterborough.

The City of Peterborough Public Works crews will complete an initial sweep of City streets this week to collect debris put curbside on City boulevards.

Next week a second sweep will begin to collect brush that has been left curbside. The collection will take an estimated six to eight weeks to complete as Public Works crews balance the special curbside green waste collection with other service delivery needs.

The timing for collection will be based on the availability of resources to deploy. Residents should put green waste debris to the curbside for collection.

Residents are asked to not create sight line issues for pedestrians and motorists when placing debris curbside, and to avoid blocking sidewalks or restricting the roadway in any way.

When the special green waste collection service is completed, residents can use the City’s regular green waste collection service or they can take green waste to the landfill on Bensfort Road.

There is no limit on the quantity of green waste that can be placed at the curb through the City's regular green waste collection service; however, it must be put out within guidelines on sizes and weights to allow crews to handle the material:

Green waste includes brush, branches, hedge and tree trimmings, grass clippings, leaves, house and garden plants, trimmings, and small quantities of sod (within weight limits).

All brush and branches must be tied in bundles up to one metre (three feet) in length and 30 centimetres (12 inches) in diameter, weighing no more than 23 kilograms (50 pounds). Larger size items cannot be loaded into the collection vehicle.

In addition to the curbside green waste collection services, the City is temporarily waiving fees for the disposal of green waste generated by the storm at the landfill on Bensfort Road until June 30, 2022. After June 30, 2022, regular disposal fees for green waste at the landfill will resume.

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