Several Downtown Sections to Undergo Road Surface Repairs

Several downtown streets are receiving much-needed road surface repairs, as preparatory work has been ongoing since May.

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The work includes replacing frames, covers, and grates, curb replacement in select locations, milling, surface paving and pavement markings. 

Structure adjustments and concrete curb and gutter replacement sections are almost complete, with only two sections remaining. Following the completion of milling operations, final concrete work may be required. 

During the next phase of milling and paving operations, no parking will be permitted on Water Street nightly between Sept. 3 and Sept. 11, and on George Street North nightly between Sept. 5 and Sept. 13. Signage will be posted. Motorists who do not follow the parking restrictions will be ticketed and towed to the Del Crary Park municipal lot at 100 George St. N. Owners must report to pick up their vehicle before 9 a.m. the next day to avoid a secondary parking infraction penalty notice. 

Milling and paving operations are scheduled to begin in August and September at the following locations: 

  • Brock, Simcoe and King streets between George and Water streets: Daytime between August 26 to August 30, with one to two days required for each operation. A road closure will be in place only while operations are proceeding. The road closure will be removed when workers are not present. 

  • Brock Street east of Water Street and Sheridan Street: Between September 3 and September 6, with one to two days required for each operation. Traffic control is anticipated to restrict operations to one lane with the use of flagging operations. 

  • Water Street: Nightly between September 3 and September 11, with two to four days required for each operation. The elimination of on-street parking will apply during operations. Signage will be posted. Those who do not follow parking restrictions will be ticketed for a parking infraction, towed to Del Crary Park municipal lot, 100 George St. N, and must report to pick up their vehicle prior to 9 a.m. to ensure they are not in receipt of a secondary parking infraction penalty notice. 

  • George Street North: Nightly between September 5 and September 13, with two to four days required for each operation. The elimination of on-street parking will apply during operations. Signage will be posted. Those who do not follow parking restrictions will be ticketed for a parking infraction, towed to Del Crary Park municipal lot, 100 George St. N, and must report to pick up their vehicle prior to 9 a.m. to ensure they are not in receipt of a secondary parking infraction penalty notice. 

Please note the scheduled dates may be subject to change depending on operational sequencing, weather, or other unforeseen issues. 

The City of Peterborough is coordinating with the contractor to minimize impacts on events planned in the downtown. 

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